- (arena for watching figure skating)
- (arithmetic or geometric) progression
- (as on fishing line, net) (as on fishing line, net)
- (autograph letter)
- (basso) continuo
- (bay)
- (bay, gulf)
- (broadcasting) station or channel
- (caterpillar) tractor
- (chicken broth)
- (class) notebook
- (currency) devaluation
- (daily) newspaper
- (egg) yolk
- (electric) plug
- (electric) potential
- (electric) socket (in wall) (electric) socket (in wall)
- (endorsement)
- (European) roll shutters
- (exponential) power
- (fine) china, porcelain (adj.)
- (fine) china, porcelain (noun)
- (fountain pen)
- (furnished attic)
- (garage or hangar)
- (garret, attic room)
- (German) mark
- (grand piano)
- (gulf)
- (hard) candy
- (highway) tunnel
- (illustrated) magazine
- (in)definite article
- (iron) foundry
- (largest) common denominator
- (major or minor) third
- (newspaper) subscription
- (nuclear) fission
- (nuclear) fusion
- (piece of) chalk
- (power drill)
- (printed) form, questionnaire
- (represented or drawn) in perspective
- (road or rail) junction, intersection
- (similar to tortilla española)
- (small) change
- (theater) director
- (trade or labor) union
- (trade) fair
- (tv or radio) program
- (v.) pave with asphalt
- (vending) machine, jukebox
- (vt) (detonate, make explode)
- (with handshake)
- 11pm
- 3:05
- 3:10
- 3:15
- 3:30
- 3:45
- 3pm
- 5% interest
- 7pm
- 8% interest
- 9am
- a-flat
- A.D.: Anno Domini
- a.m.: ante meridiem
- Aatlas
- abandoned (of infant)
- abbess
- abbey
- abbot
- abbot: prior
- abbreviation
- ABC book, first reader
- ABC's
- ablative
- abnormal, unusual, odd
- abnormality, anomaly
- abort
- abort (vt)
- abortion
- abortion drug
- abortion, termination of pregnancy
- abortive
- abovementioned
- abscess
- absenteeism (from job)
- absinth, wormwood
- absinth, wormwood (drink)
- absinth, wormwood (plant)
- absorb
- absorbent
- absorbent cotton
- absorption
- abstention (from voting)
- abstract
- abstract (vt)
- abstract ion
- academic calendar
- academic degree
- Academy Award, Oscar
- accelerate, give it gas
- acceleration pedal, gas pedal
- accent
- accent (vt)
- accent: country -
- accept (invitation to dinner)
- acceptance (of goods, offer)
- accessories, equipment
- accident (traffic)
- accident insurance
- acclimate
- accompaniment
- accompany
- accomplice
- accordeon
- accordion
- account
- account book or ledger
- accountant, auditor
- accountant, bookkeeper
- accounting
- accounting, book-keeping
- accounts, balance sheet
- ace (in card games)
- ace (in cards)
- Achilles tendon
- acid
- acid rain
- acknowledgement of receipt
- acoustic
- acoustics
- acre
- acrobat
- act of bandaging or dressing
- activity
- actor
- acupuncture
- adagio
- Adam's apple
- adaptability
- adaptation
- adaptation (for TV)
- adder
- addicted to drugs
- addicted to opium
- addiction to opium
- adding machine
- adding machine, calculator
- address
- address book
- address list
- addressee
- adhesive tape
- adj
- administration
- administrative
- administrative court
- administrative law
- administrator
- admiral
- admiral: vice-admiral
- admiralty
- admit to bail
- adoption
- adrenalin
- adult education, continuing education
- adv
- advance
- advance booking or reservation
- advance guard, vanguard
- advance notice
- advance, in
- advanced
- Advent
- advertise
- advertisement, commercial
- advertising agency
- advertising slogan
- advisor
- advisory
- aerate
- aeration
- aerial
- aerial photograph
- aerodynamic
- aerodynamics
- aeronautics
- aerosol spray
- aesthetic
- aesthetics
- affair (romantic), liaison
- affidavit
- affidavit: deposition (law)
- after fashion
- afterbirth
- afternoon nap, siesta
- aftertaste
- against the grain
- agency
- agenda
- agenda item
- agenda, list of appointments or things to do
- agent
- agent, broker
- agent, sales rep
- aggression: war of aggression
- agnostic, free-thinker, non-believer
- agnosticism, free thought, non-belief
- agriculture
- aim: take aim
- air battle
- air brake
- air force
- air force member
- air pollution
- air power
- air pressure
- air pump
- air raid
- air supremacy
- air traffic
- air-condition
- air-conditioned
- air-conditioning
- air-conditioning (machine)
- air-conditioning (machine) (result)
- air-raid shelter
- airbag
- airborne
- aircraft
- aircraft carrier
- airfield
- airing
- airing-out, ventilation
- airlift
- airline
- airliner
- airmail
- airman
- airplane
- airplane crashed
- airplane, jet
- airport
- airship
- airstrip
- airtight
- airtight, watertight
- airway
- aisle
- alarm (generally)
- alarm (generally) (burglar)
- alarm clock
- alarm system
- alarm: set the alarm for 6am
- albatros
- albatross
- albinism
- albino
- album
- albumen
- alchemist
- alchemy
- alcohol
- alcohol content
- alcoholic (adj.)
- alcoholic (noun)
- alcoholic drink
- alcoholic drink (vi)
- alcoholic: boozer
- alcoholism
- alcove
- algae
- algebra
- algebraic
- algorithm
- alibi
- alienation
- alimony
- alkali
- alkaline
- alkalize
- alkaloid
- All Saints' Day
- All Saints' Day, Allhallows
- allergic
- allergic reaction
- allergy
- alley
- alliteration
- allowance
- allspice
- almanac
- almanach
- alphabet
- alphabetical
- alphabetically
- alphabetize
- alternate reading (in edition of text)
- alternating current, AC
- alto
- alto (part)
- alto (part) (singer)
- altruism
- altruismic
- altruist
- altruistic
- aluminum
- alumna
- alumnus
- amalgam
- amalgam (fig.)
- amalgam (mix)
- amalgamate
- amateur
- amateur, dillettante
- ambassador
- ambassador plenipotentiary
- ambassador: embassy (place)
- ambassadorship
- amber
- ambergris
- ambidextrous
- ambulance
- ambulance: siren (alarm)
- America
- American
- ammonia
- amnesty
- amoeba
- amortization
- amortize
- amp
- amp-meter
- amphibian
- amplifier
- amputate
- amputation
- amulet, charm, talisman
- amunition, munitions
- amusement park
- an addicted, substance-dependent or codependent person
- an advance
- anachronism
- anachronistic
- anaesthetic: put under anaesthetic
- anagram
- analog (opp. digital)
- anatomist
- anatomy
- anchorage
- anemia
- anesthesia
- anesthesia (concr.)
- Anglicism
- animals (collectively), animal kingdom
- animated cartoon
- animism
- anisette, pastis, ouzo
- annals: chronicler
- annals: writing of annals
- annexation
- announcer (tv or radio)
- announcer, anchor (radio or TV)
- anonymity
- anonymous
- antagonism
- antagonist
- antagonistic
- Antarctic
- Antarctica
- antecedent
- antechamber
- antediluvian
- antelope
- antenna
- antenna (insect)
- antenna (radio or tv)
- antenna, feeler
- antepenult
- antepenultimate
- anteroom
- anthem
- anthology
- anthology, treasury
- anthropological
- anthropologist
- anthropology
- anthropomorphic
- anthropomorphism
- anthropomorphize
- anti-aircraft
- anti-aircraft defenses
- anti-freeze
- anti-neutron
- anti-particle
- anti-proton
- anti-smoking advocate
- antibiotic
- antibody
- Antichrist
- antidote
- antifreeze
- antigen
- antimony
- antipathy
- antiquarian
- antiquity
- antiseptic
- antiseptic: germ-free, sterile, aseptic
- antisocial
- antler
- antonym
- aorta
- apartment
- apartment building or complex
- apocrypha
- apocryphal
- apogee
- apoplexy
- Apostolic Creed
- apostrophe
- apothecary
- appeal (legal) (subst.)
- appeal (legal) (verb)
- appeal: bringing of an appeal
- appeal: court of appeals, appellate court
- appellate
- appendicitis
- appendix
- appendix, caecum
- appetite
- appetizer
- appetizer, starter
- appetizers, antipasto, hors d'oeuvre
- appetizing
- apple
- apple core
- apple juice
- apple orchard
- apple pie
- apple tree
- apple: crab apple
- applesauce
- appliance
- appliance: food processor (kitchen appliance)
- appliance: mixer (kitchen appliance)
- appliance: toaster
- applicant
- applicant (for job)
- applicant, candidate
- application
- application form
- applied
- applied arts
- applied science
- apply for
- appoint / vt
- appointee
- appointment
- appointment, date
- apprentice
- apprentice (vt)
- apprentice barber
- apprentice, trainee
- apprenticeship
- apricot
- apricot tree
- apron (of cook, workman)
- apéritif
- aquarium
- aquatic animals
- aqueduct
- aquiline nose
- arabesque
- arbitrary
- arbitrate
- arbitrate (vi)
- arbitration
- arbitrator
- arc
- arc (of circle)
- arcade
- arcade, passageway
- arch, fallen (of foot)
- archaic
- archaicism
- archbishop
- archdiocese
- archeological
- archeologist
- archeology
- archipelago
- architrave
- archives
- archivist
- arctic
- are, 100 square meters
- area code
- area code (telephone)
- area of low atmospheric pressure, low
- area, surface
- arena
- aria
- ark (boat)
- Ark of the Covenant
- ark: Noah's ark
- armada
- armadillo
- armistice
- armor (for body)
- armor (for body) vt
- armor plate
- armor-plated
- armor: cuirass
- armor: mail (armor), coat of mail
- armor: plate (armor)
- armored (objects)
- armored (soldiers)
- armorer
- armory
- armory, arsenal
- armory: magazine (for storage)
- arms race
- army: standing army
- arpeggio
- arraign
- arraignment
- arrange hair
- arrears
- arrest
- arrest warrant
- arrowhead
- arsenal
- arsenic
- arsis, unaccented part of metrical foot
- arson
- arsonist
- art
- art dealer
- art exhibit
- art gallery (commercial)
- art history
- art nouveau
- arterial
- arteriosclerosis, hardening of the arteries
- artery
- artesian well
- arthritic
- arthritis
- arthritis: rheumatic
- arthritis: rheumatism
- artichoke
- article
- article (newspaper)
- article (scholarly)
- article (short piece of writing in newspaper, periodical)
- articulation
- artificial insemination
- artificial lake, reservoir
- artificial, affected
- artificial, imitation, substitute (adj.)
- artificial, synthetic
- artilleryman
- arts and crafts
- as far as I know
- as is
- asbestos
- Ascension (Day)
- ascension of Christ
- asceticism
- Ash Wednesday
- Ashen
- ashtray
- ask for time out
- ask the time
- asocial
- asparagus
- asphalt
- asphalt (vt)
- asphalt pavement
- asphalt, bitumen
- asphalt-paved road
- aspirate (a letter)
- aspirated consonant
- aspiration
- aspirin
- assassin: attacker, would-be assassin
- assassination attempt
- assault
- assault (vt)
- assault and battery
- assemble, install (machine or equipment)
- assembly, installation
- assets
- assimilation
- assistant
- assistant, helper
- association of ideas
- assonance
- Assumption
- assymetrical
- assymetry
- asterisk
- asteroid
- asthma
- asthmatic
- astigmatism
- astrologer
- astrological
- astrology
- astronaut
- astronaut, cosmonaut
- astronomer
- astronomical
- astronomy
- astrophysics
- asylum (political), sanctuary
- asyndeton, parataxis
- at 2 on the dot
- at gallop
- at random
- at temperature of 37°C
- at trot
- atavism
- atavistic
- atheism
- atheist
- atheistic
- athlete
- athletic
- Atlantic Ocean
- atlas
- atmosphere
- atmospheric
- atoll
- atom
- atomic
- atomic -
- atomic energy
- atomic energy or power
- atomic mass
- atomic weight
- attaché
- attack (by terrorists, assassin, etc.)
- attack (by terrorists, assassin, etc.) (verb)
- attempt, attempted crime
- attempted suicide
- attend lectures
- attendance, poor, absence from classes
- attic, garret
- attitude
- attractiveness, appeal
- auction
- auction (verb)
- auction hall
- auctioneer
- audio-visual
- audit
- audit (vt)
- audition
- audition, try-out
- auditor
- auditorium
- aufgeladene
- Australia
- Austria
- Austrian
- authentic
- authenticity
- authorization
- auto race
- autobiographer
- autobiographic(al)
- autobiography
- autograph
- autograph (vt)
- automate
- automatic
- automatic transmission
- automation
- automaton
- automization
- automobile
- automotive
- autonomy
- autopsy
- avalanche (snow)
- avenue, boulevard, major street
- average
- average (adj)
- average (noun)
- average (vt)
- Avesta
- aviary
- aviation
- aviation, aeronautics
- aviator
- avocado
- awning
- axiom
- axiomatic
- axle shaft
- axle, front
- azimuth
- Azores
- b natural
- B.A., Bachelor of Arts
- baboon
- baby bottle
- baby carriage
- baby food
- baby, infant, toddler
- bachelor’s degree, B.A. or B.S.
- back yard
- back-date
- back: lower back pain, lumbago
- backdrop
- background
- backhand strike
- backhanded
- backpack
- backpack, rucksack, knapsack
- backstage
- bacon
- bacteria
- bacteriology
- bad breath, halitosis
- bad conscience
- badge
- badger
- badminton
- bag (generally)
- bag (generally) (vt)
- baggage
- baggage check
- baggage check office
- baggage inspection (at customs)
- baggage rack (in train)
- baggage ticket
- baggage, luggage
- baggege, luggage, light, carry-on baggage
- bagpipe
- bagpipe player
- bagpiper
- baguette
- bail out
- bail, surety (legal)
- bailiff (officer maintaining order in courtroom)
- bailiff: sergeant at arms
- bake
- bake (vi)
- baked chicken
- baker
- bakery
- baking
- baking powder
- balade
- balance (amount left to pay)
- balance sheet
- balance, balance-sheet
- balance, equilibrium
- balance: - of trade
- balance: - of trade (vi)
- balancing pole
- balcony
- balcony or gallery (in theater)
- ball
- ball (game)
- ball-bearing
- ball-player
- ball-point pen
- ballad
- ballast
- ballast (vt)
- ballerina
- ballerina (prima)
- ballerina dancer
- ballet
- ballistic
- ballistic missile
- ballistics
- balloon
- balloon (hot air)
- balloon, airship, dirigible
- balloting
- ballplayer
- ballroom
- balsam
- balustrade
- bamboo
- bamboo cane or stem
- banana
- band
- band (armed), gang
- band (musical)
- bandage, dressing
- bandage, dressing vt
- bandage: plaster cast or dresing
- bandage: poultice
- bandaid (US), sticking plaster, ectoplast (Br.)
- bandleader
- bandstand
- bangs (hair)
- banister
- bank
- bank (vi)
- bank account
- bank note
- bank on
- bank statement
- bank, piggy
- bankbook, passbook (for savings account)
- banker
- banking
- banking house
- bankrupcy
- bankrupt
- bankrupt (vt)
- bankrupt person
- bankruptcy
- banquet
- baobab or monkey-bread tree
- baptism
- baptism: child baptism
- baptistery
- baptize
- bar
- bar (courts)
- bar (line between measures, in musical score)
- bar, counter
- bar, pub
- bar, tavern
- bar: disbar
- baracuda
- barbecue
- barbecued or grilled meat
- barbed wire
- bard
- bard, troubador
- baritone
- barmaid
- barn
- barn owl
- barometer
- barometric
- baron
- baroness
- baroque (adj.)
- baroque (subst.)
- barracks
- barrel
- barrel, cask, keg
- barrel-organ, hurdy-gurdy
- barricade
- barroom
- bartender
- bartender (female)
- bas-relief
- basalt
- basalt (adj)
- base
- base of pedestal (of statue, column)
- base: military base
- baseball
- baseball cap
- baseball: bat
- baseball: batter
- baseball: batter, batsman (cricket), stroke (pace-setting rower)
- baseball: pitcher, thrower
- baseman
- basement
- basement, cellar
- basil
- basilica
- basketball
- basketball: dribble
- bass
- bass (part)
- bass (singer)
- bassinet
- bassoon
- baste
- bat
- bat (in baseball)
- batallion
- bath
- bath vi
- bathe vt
- bathhouse
- bathhouse, public baths
- bathing
- bathing beach
- bathing suit
- bathing suit, bathing trunks, swimsuit
- bathing suit: bikini
- bathr
- bathroom
- baths
- bathtub
- baton
- batter
- battery
- battery (mil.)
- battleship
- bauxite
- Bavaria
- Bavarian
- bay
- bay window
- bay, gulf
- bazaar
- be admitted to the bar
- be an atheist
- be an evangelical (Protestant)
- be an eyewitness
- be at discount
- be bankrupt
- be biasd
- be constipated
- be free agent
- be gray
- be hired, take job
- be in arrears
- be in fashion
- be in session
- be in the foreground
- be insolvency
- be on furlough
- be out on bail
- be playing (of movie)
- be responsibility for
- be seasick
- be truant, cut class, play hooky
- be unconscious
- be unemployed
- beach
- beach (vt)
- beachhead (mil.)
- beachcomber
- beacon
- bead
- beagle
- beaker
- bean
- bearing
- beatification
- Beatitudes
- beautician, cosmetician
- beaver
- become
- become gray
- bed
- bed (of flowers or vegetables)
- bed and breakfast, pension
- bed of river
- bed-ridden, shut-in
- bed: bedstead
- bed: bunk
- bed: double bed, twin bed
- bedcover: bedding
- bedcover: bedspread
- bedcover: blanket
- bedcover: coverlet
- bedcover: eiderdown (down itself)
- bedcover: eiderdown (down-filled quilt)
- bedcover: electric blanket
- bedcover: quilt
- bedcover: sheet
- bedouin
- bedroom
- beef
- beefsteak
- beer: ale
- beer: bottled beer
- beer: brew (beer)
- beer: brew (beer) (vt)
- beer: draft beer
- beer: froth or head of beer
- beer: hops
- beer: malt
- beer: pils(ner) (sort of beer)
- beer: Weissbier
- beeswax
- beet
- beetle
- before the deadline, in time
- behavior, conduct
- behavioral science
- behavioral scientist
- beheading
- behind the scenes
- beige
- being (phil.)
- believer, follower (of religion or religious group)
- bell
- bell tower
- belles-lettres
- bellhop
- belly dancing
- belt
- belt buckle
- belt: money belt
- bench
- bend in the road
- beneficiary
- Berlin
- Berlin Wall
- berry
- berry: blackberry / (berry)
- berry: blackberry / (berry) (bush & berry)
- berry: blueberry
- berry: currant
- berry: currant (black)
- berry: currant (red)
- berry: elderberry
- berry: gooseberry
- berry: raspberry
- berry: strawberry
- berth
- berth, moorings
- best man
- best seller
- bestseller
- bet, stake (vb)
- bet, wager
- better reading (in edition of text)
- bevel
- bias, partiality, prejudice
- biased
- bib
- Bible, Holy Scripture
- biblical
- bibliography
- bibliography, list of works cited
- bicameral (of legislature)
- bicameral system
- biceps
- bicycle
- bicycle seat
- bid (in card games)
- bid down the price (by bargaining)
- bidet
- bifocals
- bifurcation, branching, fork in road
- big bang
- Big Dipper
- big toe
- bigamy
- bike
- bike race
- bike rider, cyclist
- bike riding, cycling
- bilateral
- bilateral: unilateral
- bilingualism
- bill
- bill (proposed law)
- bill (statement of amount to pay)
- bill (vt)
- bill of exchange
- bill of exchange, promissory note
- bill of fare
- bill of lading
- bill of sale
- bill, bank note, paper money
- bill, tab
- bill: sponsor (law)
- billboard
- billiard ball
- billiards
- billiards, pool
- billion
- billion (i.e., British 1000 million)
- billion (US), thousand million (Br.)
- billionaire
- binary system
- bind (book)
- binding
- binding offer
- binoculars
- binoculars, field glasses
- binoculars, spyglass
- biochemistry
- biogenetics
- biographer
- biographical
- biography
- biological
- biologist
- biology
- biology, marine
- biology, micro-
- biopsy
- biosphere
- birch
- bird of paradise
- bird of prey
- birth certificate
- birth through cesarean section
- birthday
- birthday (with candles)
- birthday cake
- birthday card
- birthday party
- birthday present
- birthmark
- birthplace
- biscuit
- bisexual
- bishop
- bishop (chess)
- bishop: diocese, bishopric
- bishop: diocese, bishopric (adj.)
- bittersweet
- bitumen
- bitumen coal
- bituminous
- bivalent
- black and blue
- black eye
- Black Forest, Schwarzwald
- black ink
- black market
- black or brown bread
- black shoe polish
- black, negro
- black, negro (adj.)
- blackbird
- blackboard
- blackboard, chalkboard
- blacklist
- blackmail blackmail extort
- blackmail, extortion
- blackmail, extortion (vt)
- blackmailer, extortionist
- blackmailion
- blacksmith
- bladder
- blanch
- blasphemy
- blast furnace
- blast-off
- bleach
- bleach (vi)
- bleachers
- bless you (when someone sneezes)
- blimp
- blinder
- blindfold
- blindfold (vt)
- blindfolded
- blink, wink
- blink, wink (noun)
- blizzard
- bloc
- block (city)
- block and tackle
- block letter
- block, square
- blockade
- blockade (vt)
- blond (noun)
- blood - donor
- blood plasma
- blood poisoning
- blood pressure
- blood pressure meter
- blood pressure: high blood pressure, hypertension
- blood pressure: low blood pressure
- blood serum
- blood stream
- blood test
- blood transfusion
- blood type
- blood vessel
- blood-bank
- blood-letting, bleeding
- blood: circulation (of blood)
- blood: clotting, coagulation
- blood: draw blood
- bloodhound
- bloodshot
- blotting paper
- blouse
- blow the horn
- blowpipe
- blowtorch
- blue ink
- blueprint
- blurred, out of focus
- boa
- board of directors
- board train
- boarding school
- boardinghouse
- boardwalk
- boat
- boat race
- boat, pedal-
- boat, small
- boat-house (where boats are stored)
- boathouse
- boating
- bobsled
- body
- bodyguard
- bog
- boil (on body)
- boiled
- boiled egg
- boiling point
- bolshevism
- bolshevist
- bolt
- bomb
- bomb shelter
- bomb, bombard (verb)
- bomb, bombard (verb) (vi)
- bombardier
- bomber (airplane)
- bombing
- bon appétit
- bond
- bond, security
- bondholder
- bondsman
- bondsman, sponsor
- bone marrow
- bonfire
- bonus
- bonus, freebie
- bonze
- book bag, school satchel
- book review
- bookbinder
- booking
- bookkeeper
- bookkeeping
- booklet
- bookmark
- books
- bookseller
- bookshop, bookstore
- bookstore
- boom
- boomerang
- booth
- bootleg
- bootleg (vt)
- bootlegger
- bootlegging
- boozing, excessive drinking
- borax
- border guard or patrol
- border guard or patrol (collectively)
- bore (noun)
- boss
- botanical
- botanical garden
- botanist
- botany
- bottle
- bottle (vt)
- bottle: canteen (flask)
- bottle: cork (of bottle)
- bottle: corkscrew
- bottle: vial
- bottleneck
- botulism
- boudoir
- Boule
- boulevard
- bound book
- boundary line
- bouquet
- bouquet (of flowers)
- bouquet (of wine)
- boutique
- bow
- bowel movement
- bowel movement, have
- bower, arbor
- bowl, go bowling
- bowling
- bowling ball
- bowling lane or alley
- bowling pin
- bowling, tenpins, skittles
- bowls (game), bocce
- bowls, boccia, boules, pétanque
- box
- box (small)
- box office, ticket window
- box on the ear
- box on the ear (vt)
- boxer
- boxing
- boxing glove
- boxing ring
- boy scout
- boycott
- boycott (vt)
- boyfriend
- bra
- brace
- braces { }
- brackets [ ,
- brahman
- braid, plait, pigtail,
- braid, plait, pigtail, (vt)
- braid: ponytail
- braille
- brake
- brake (noun)
- brake (verb)
- brake (vt)
- brakes
- branch office
- brand
- brand (commercial)
- brandy
- brass
- brass (adj.)
- brass band
- Brazil
- Brazilian
- breach of contract
- breach of faith
- breach of the peace
- bread, slice of
- break the record
- breakfast
- breakfast (vi)
- breaking of law
- breakwater
- breakwater, mole
- breast stroke
- breast-feeding
- breastbone, sternum
- breat-feed
- breathing: rough -ing
- breed
- breeding
- breeding, selective
- breviary
- brewer
- brewery
- brewing
- bribe
- bribe, kickback
- bribery
- brick
- brickkiln
- bricklayer
- brickyard
- bridal
- bridal bed
- bridal procession
- bridal veil
- bride
- bridegroom
- bridesmaid
- bridesman
- bridge
- bridge (dentistry)
- bridge (on string instrument)
- bridle path
- brief
- brief (legal)
- brief on appeal, appellate brief
- briefcase, attaché case
- brigade (mil.)
- brigadier-general
- brim, rim (of hat, glass)
- brimstone
- Brittany
- broad jump, long jump
- broad-minded
- broadcast
- broadcast (vt)
- broadcast, telecast, transmission
- broadcasting
- broadcasting station
- broadcasting tower
- broadcloth
- brocade
- broccoli
- brochure
- brochure, pamphlet
- brogue
- broil
- broil (vi)
- broiler
- broker
- broker's
- brokerage
- bromine
- bronchial
- bronchial tubes
- bronchitis
- bronco
- bronze medal
- broom
- broth, bouillon
- brother
- brother-in-law
- brown
- brown lung
- bruise
- brush
- brush (paint)
- brush one's teeth
- Brussels
- Brussels sprouts
- bubonic plague
- buck
- buck (deer)
- bucket, pail
- bucket: ice bucket (for chilling wine)
- buckle
- buckwheat
- Buddhism
- Buddhist (adj.)
- Buddhist (subst.)
- budget
- budgetary
- buffalo
- buffer state
- buffet
- bug
- buggy
- buggy, open wagon
- bugle
- bugler
- built-in
- bulb
- Bulgaria
- Bulgarian
- bull's-eye
- bull: encyclical
- bull: papal bull
- bulldog
- bulldozer
- bulletin
- bulletin board
- bullfight
- bullfighter
- bullfighter, toreador
- bullfighting
- bullion
- bumblebee
- bumper
- bumper sticker, sticker
- bun
- bun, muffin
- bunker, dugout, shelter (mil.)
- buoy
- buoyancy
- buoyant
- burden of proof
- bureaucracy
- bureaucrat
- bureaucratic
- burglar, housebreaker
- burglarize vt
- burglarizing, breaking-in
- burglary
- burlap
- burn
- burner
- burro
- bursar
- burying alive
- bus
- bus (or tram or subway) stop
- busboy
- bushel
- business
- business (adj.)
- business district
- business of traveling pedlar or salesman)
- businesslike
- businessman
- bust
- bust (statue of head and upper chest)
- butcher
- butcher shop
- butler
- butt
- butter
- butter (vt)
- buttercup
- buttered bread
- buttermilk
- buttermilk, cultured low-fat milk
- button
- button (clothing) (subst.)
- button (clothing) (vb)
- button (on machine, elevator, etc.)
- button (to be fastened to shirt, coat, as political button)
- button, knob
- buttonhole
- buttress
- buttress (vt)
- buttress, abutment
- buttresses
- buy on credit
- buy on time
- buzzard
- by-product
- bylaw
- bypass
- bypass (vt)
- byte
- cab
- cabala
- cabaret
- cabbage
- cabdriver
- cabin
- cabin, cubicle, booth
- cabinet
- cabinet, case
- cabinet-maker
- cabinet-maker, furniture-maker, carpenter
- cabinetmaker
- cable
- cable car
- cable television
- cable tv
- cable-car, funicular
- cablegram
- cabstand
- cacophony
- cactus
- cadet
- cafeteria
- caffeine
- café
- café, coffee-house
- cake
- cake (vi)
- cakepan
- cakepan (small)
- calcium
- calculator
- calculus
- calendar
- calendar year
- caliber
- calibrate
- calico
- caliph, calif
- caliphate
- calisthenics
- call (on the phone), telephone (vb), ring up
- call (phone)
- call (phone) (noun)
- call the roll
- callus
- callus: corn (on foot)
- calorie
- calorie, calory
- Calvary
- Calvinism
- Calvinistic
- camel driver
- cameo
- camera
- camera (for still pictures)
- camera-man
- camomille
- camouflage
- camouflage (vt)
- camp (v.)
- camp, go camping
- campaign (mil.)
- campaign (political)
- campaign: barnstorm
- campaigner
- camper
- campground
- camphor
- camping
- campsite, campground
- can
- can-opener
- can: tin can (sealed metal container for food)
- canary
- canasta
- cancel
- cancel (e.g., ticket)
- cancel an appointmentment
- cancelation
- cancellation of sale (because of defect in goods), return of goods by buyer
- cancer
- cancer: breast cancer
- cancer: metastasis (spreading of malignant tumor)
- cancerous
- candelabrum
- candidacy
- candidate
- candidate, contender, pretender
- candidate: running mate
- candied
- candied fruit
- candle
- candleholder
- Candlemass
- candlestick
- candy
- candy (vb)
- candy bar
- candy jar
- canine tooth
- canister
- canned
- canned goods
- cannelone
- cannibal
- cannibalism
- cannon
- cannon ball
- cannon shot
- cannon: artillery
- cannon: battery
- cannonade
- cannonman
- canoe
- canoe (vi)
- canoe, dug-out
- canon (eccl.)
- canon law
- canonical
- canonization
- canonize
- canonize: beatify
- canopy, awning
- cant
- cantata
- canteen (restaurant or bar for soldiers, workers, students)
- canto
- canto fermo
- canvas
- canyon
- canyon, gorge
- cap and gown
- capacity
- capellini
- capital
- capital (city)
- capital (column)
- capital (financial)
- capital goods
- capital letter
- capital, stock
- capitalism
- capitalist
- capitalistic
- capitalize
- capriccio
- Capricorn
- capsule
- captain
- captain (mil.)
- captain (police or fire officer ranking above lieutenant)
- captain (team)
- captain, skipper
- caption
- car
- car (in train)
- car (of train)
- car accident
- car insurance
- car repair shop, garage
- car tax
- car, automobile
- car, automobile (adj.)
- caramel
- carat
- caravan
- caravansary, caravanserai
- caraway
- caraway seed
- carbohydrate
- carbon
- carbon - copy
- carbon copy
- carbon monoxide
- carbon paper
- carbonated lemonade
- carburetor
- card
- card (greeting)
- card calling
- card index
- card table
- cardboard
- cardboard box
- cardinal
- cardinal numbers
- cardiology
- cards, pack of
- cardshark
- career
- carfare
- cargo ship
- caricature
- caricature (vt)
- caricaturist
- carnation
- Carnaval
- carnaval procession, mardi gras parade
- carnaval, mardi gras, Shrove Tuesday
- carnival
- carnivorous plants
- carol
- carp
- carpenter
- carpentry
- carpet
- carpet (vt)
- carpet, rug
- carpeting
- carport
- carriage return
- carriage, cabriolet
- carrier
- carrier pigeon
- carrot
- carry piggy-back
- cart
- cart (vt)
- cart away
- cartage
- cartel
- cartilage
- cartography
- carton
- cartoon
- cartoonist
- cartridge, pick-up (of record-player)
- carve
- carveing knife
- carver
- carving
- cascade
- cascade (vi)
- case
- casement window
- cash
- cash (vt)
- cash box
- cash payment
- cash register
- cashier
- cashier, check-out clerk, teller
- cashier, fire, lay-off
- cashmere
- casino
- casino, gambling parlor
- cask
- casket
- Cassanova, Don Juan, Latin lover
- casserole
- cassette
- cassette recorder
- cassette tape
- cassock (of priest)
- cast horoscope
- cast iron
- castanets
- castaway
- caste
- caster (chair)
- caster-oil plant
- castle
- castle (one's king in chess)
- castle or rook (in chess)
- castor oil
- casual, neglectful, unprofessional
- cat
- catacomb
- catafalque
- catalog
- catalytic converter
- catamaran
- catcher
- catcher, receiver (in ball game)
- catcher, receiver (of ball)
- categorical imperative
- category
- cathedral
- catheter
- cathode
- catnip
- cauliflower
- causality
- caveman, cave-dweller, primitve man
- caveman: Java man
- caveman: Neanderthal man
- caviar
- cavity, tooth decay
- cavity: filling (in tooth)
- celebrate an anniversary
- celebrate birthday
- cell
- cell fusion
- cell tissue
- cellist
- cello
- cellular
- cellular phone
- celluloid
- cellulose
- cement
- cement (v.), reinforce with cement
- cemetery
- censorship
- census
- cent, penny
- centenary celebration or festivities
- center of gravity
- centimeter
- centralization
- centrifugal
- centrifugal force
- centripetal force
- cereal (breakfast)
- ceremony
- certificate
- certification
- certified
- certified letter
- certify
- certify (as true or accurate)
- cesarean section
- chain reaction
- chain store
- chain-smoker
- chair
- chair, chairperson
- chair: arm of chair
- chair: armrest
- chair: back of chair, backrest
- chair: deck chair, chaise longue, lounge chair
- chair: easy chair, armchair
- chair: swivel-chair
- chairlift
- chalet
- chamber music
- chamber music concert
- chamber of commerce
- chamberlain
- chamois
- champion
- championship
- chancellor
- chancellor, head of university
- chancellorship
- chandelier
- change (bus, train)
- change gears
- change planes in Atlanta
- changeling
- changing of the guard
- changing or breaking of boy's voice
- channel
- channel (TV)
- chaos
- chaotic
- chapel
- chaperon(e)
- chaplain
- chaplain (army)
- chapter
- chapter (group)
- character, (innate) personality
- characteristic
- charade
- charcoal
- charcoal (crayon for drawing)
- charge (battery)
- charge account
- charge battery
- charge, fee
- charity out
- charity, dole, handout
- charitybazaar
- Charleston (dance)
- chart
- chart (vt)
- charter
- charterer
- charterered
- chassis
- chastity belt
- chattels, moveable goods
- chattering of teeth
- chauffeur
- check
- check or audit an account
- checkbook
- checked
- checked, checkered, plaid
- checker
- checkers
- checkmate
- checkroom
- cheekbone
- cheerleader
- cheers (when drinking)
- cheese
- cheese grater
- cheesecake
- cheesecloth
- cheetah
- chef
- chef, head cook
- chemical
- chemise
- chemist
- chemistry
- cherry
- cherry orchard
- cherry stone
- cherry tree
- cherry: sour cherry
- cherub
- chess
- chess piece
- chess set
- chess: pawn
- chess: rook
- chessboard
- chest
- chest of drawers
- chest of drawers, bureau
- chew tobacco
- chewing gum
- chewing tobacco
- chiaroscuro
- chicken
- chicken (as food)
- chickpea
- chicory
- chief justice
- chief of staff
- chief, chieftain
- chiffon
- child abandonment
- child labor
- child-molestor
- chime
- chimney
- chimney sweep
- chimney, smokestack
- chimpanzee
- chin: double-chin
- China
- Chinese
- chip
- chip (for games of chance)
- chip, counter (for games)
- chipmunk
- chisel
- chivalrous
- chivalry
- chive
- chives
- chlorine
- chloroform
- chloroform (vt)
- chlorophyl
- chocolate
- chocolate (adj.)
- chocolate (candy)
- chocolate (drink)
- chocolate (hot drink)
- chocolate (piece of candy)
- choir
- choir boy
- choir or chancel (part of church)
- cholera
- cholesterol
- chop, lamb
- chopped meat
- chopping block
- choral adj
- chord
- choreography
- chorister
- chorus
- chorus, choir
- christen
- christening
- Christian
- Christianity
- Christmas
- Christmas carol
- Christmas Eeve
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas holidays
- Christmas presents
- Christmas tree
- Christmas vacation
- chromatic
- chromatic scale
- chrome
- chrome steel
- chromium
- chronological
- chronology
- chrysalis
- chrysanthemum
- church / (building)
- church / (building) (the body of all Christians)
- churchyard
- churro (Spanish fried pastry)
- cicada
- cider
- cider (apple)
- cigar
- cigar store
- cigarette
- cigarette butt
- cigarette lighter
- cigarette-holder
- Cinderella
- cinema
- cinnamon
- cipher
- cipher (vt)
- circuit (electric)
- circulation: put into circulation
- circumcision
- circumflex
- circumstances
- circus
- circus tent
- cisel
- cite
- citizen: naturalize
- citizenship
- citric
- citric acid
- citron
- citron tree
- citron wood
- citrus / (tree)
- citrus / (tree) (flavor)
- citrus / (tree) (fruit)
- citrus fruits
- citrus: grapefruit
- citrus: lemon
- citrus: lemonade
- citrus: lime
- citrus: mandarin orange, tangerine
- citrus: orange
- citrus: orange juice
- citrus: orange: bitter orange, Seville orange
- citrusade
- city clerk, town clerk
- city council, town council
- city councilman
- city government
- city hall, town hall
- civics
- civil
- civil engineer
- civil law
- civil liberty
- civil rights
- civil service
- civil war
- civilian clothes
- civilian, non-soldier
- civilization
- civilizationize
- civilized
- claim for compensation or damages
- clairvoyance
- clairvoyant
- clairvoyant (noun)
- clam
- clamp, cramp
- clan
- clarinet
- clarinette
- clarion
- class
- class consciousness
- class list, course catalog
- class struggle
- class, lecture, lecture class
- class: bourgeois, middle-class (person) / (subst.)
- class: bourgeois, middle-class (person) / (subst.) (adj.)
- class: bourgeoisie, middle class
- class: lower class -
- class: proletarian
- class: underclass
- class: upper class
- class: working class
- classic
- classical
- classics
- classification
- classified
- classify
- classroom
- clause
- clause (law)
- clause, proviso
- clean laundry
- cleaning lady, maid
- cleaning rag (or brush)
- cleanser, cleaning agent
- clear weather
- clearance (distance between moving object and that which it passes through or past)
- clearing, cleared land
- clef
- cleft palate
- clergy
- clergyman
- clerical
- clerical (eccl.)
- clerical work
- clerk
- clerk, assistant (in department store)
- clerk, cashier
- clerk, office
- cliché
- click with the mouse
- client
- client (law)
- clientele
- climate
- climate (adj.)
- climbing plant or vine
- clinic
- clinical
- clip
- clip (vt)
- clip (with paper clip)
- clipper
- clippers, shears
- clippers: electric clippers
- clippings
- clique
- clitoris
- cloakroom
- cloakroom attendant
- clock
- clock (as measure of time granted speaker)
- clock is striking one
- clockwise
- cloister (part of monastery, convent, church)
- cloister (seclusion of monks or nuns)
- clone (noun)
- clone (verb)
- closet (for clothes), armoire
- closet, armoire, wardrobe
- cloth, fabric, material, textiles
- cloth, fabric, woven material
- cloth-bound (book)
- clothes brush
- clothes hamper
- clothes hanger
- clothing (abstract), style of dress, dress as aspect of personal appearance
- clothing (concrete), garment
- clothing store, tailor’s shop, dressmaker’s
- cloudburst
- clove
- cloven hoof
- clover
- clown
- club
- clubfoot
- clutch
- clutch pedal
- co-ownership
- co-pilot
- co-worker
- co-worker, colleague
- coach
- coach (vt)
- coachman
- coal
- coal mine
- coal miner
- coal-burning stove
- coalition
- coarse, bristly
- coast guard (member)
- coastal waters (under national sovereignty)
- coaster
- coaster (dish or mat placed under glass)
- coat
- coat (vt)
- coat check
- coat hook
- coat of arms, family arms
- coat of arms: heraldry
- coat stand
- coated
- coating
- cobalt
- cobblestone
- cobra
- coca (source of cocaine)
- cocaine
- cock
- cockatoo
- cockfight
- cockpit
- cockroach
- cocktail
- cocoa
- coconut milk
- cocoon
- cod
- COD, cash on delivery
- code
- code (set of symbols or signals)
- code (set of symbols or signals) (secret)
- code (vt)
- code: criminal code
- code: Napoleonic Code
- codefendant
- codicil
- codification
- codify (vt)
- coeducation
- coefficient
- coffee
- coffee (adj.)
- coffee bean
- coffee grinder, coffee mill
- coffee urn
- coffee-maker
- coffeepot
- coffer with milk
- cognac
- cognitive
- cogwheel
- cogwheel, gear (wheel)
- coil
- coil (electrical)
- coin collection
- coin collector
- coin collector (adj.)
- coin, mint
- coin-operated
- coke
- cola nut
- cold (disease)
- cold frame
- Cold War
- cold: catch a cold
- cold: have a cold
- cold: it’s cold
- cold: runny nose
- cold: sick with cold
- coleslaw
- coliseum
- collaboration, participation, involvement
- collar
- collar (clerical)
- collar (shirt)
- collarbone
- collateral line (in genealogy, kinship)
- collaterally related
- collective bargaining
- collective consciousness
- collectiveive security
- collectivism
- college
- college of arts and sciences
- collegiate
- collie
- collision (auto)
- cologne
- colon
- colonel
- colonial
- colonialism
- colonist
- colonization
- colonize
- colonnade
- color blind
- color blindness
- color television
- color television (abstr.)
- color television (concr.)
- coloratura
- colored ink
- column
- column (of written text)
- column, pillar
- columnist
- coma
- comb
- combine (harvesting machine)
- combine, group of businesses
- come in
- comet
- comfort, luxury
- comic
- comic book
- comic book, comic strip
- comic opera
- comic strip
- coming to one's senses
- comma
- commando raid
- commando unit
- commentary
- commentator, columnist
- commercial
- commission
- commission (of salesman)
- commission (on currency exchange)
- commission (on sales)
- commission or fee on currency exchange
- commit suicide
- committee
- committee of five
- committee of two
- committee, commission
- committee: subcommittee
- commodities exchange
- common law (based on precedent rather than written code)
- Common Market
- commonplace
- communion wine
- communion, eucharist, Lord's Supper
- communiqué
- communism
- communist(ic)
- communist(ic)ic
- community of property (in marriage)
- community, polity
- commutation of sentence
- commute
- compact disc
- company
- company (mil.)
- company, business, enterprise
- company, corporation
- company, firm
- comparative
- compartment
- compartment (in train)
- compass
- compass (magnetic)
- compass (showing direction)
- compasses
- compassion, unselfishness, love of others
- compatible
- compensation, damages (awarded in lawsuit)
- compete (in game), play (a sport)
- competition
- competitor (athletic)
- competitor or participant in pentathlon
- competitor, contestant
- complaint
- complete sentence
- complex (noun)
- complicated
- compliment
- complimentary copy
- compose (music)
- composed by Mozart
- composer
- compost
- compost heap
- compote, stewed fruit, preserves, jam, marmelade
- compound
- compound (chemical)
- compound interest
- compound word
- compress
- compressed air
- compromise
- comptroller
- computer
- computer (adj.)
- computer center
- computer programmer
- computer scientist or specialist
- concentrate (noun)
- concentration camp, death camp
- concentration camp: (forced) labor camp
- conception
- concert
- concert hall
- concerto for violin
- Concord (supersonic jet)
- concrete
- concussion
- condensed milk
- condition (in man) of being over-sexed, satyriasis
- condition of squinting or being cross-eyed
- conditional
- condolence telegram
- condolences
- condom
- condominium (legal term: co-ownership)
- conductive
- conductivity
- conductor
- conductor (of heat, electricity)
- conductor (orchestra)
- conductor, band leader, music director
- cone
- confederacy
- confer degree
- conference hall, meeting room
- conference, symposium
- confessor
- confetti
- confirmation
- confiscation
- conic section
- conical
- conifers
- conjugate
- conjugate (a verb)
- conjugation
- conjunction
- conjunctivitis
- connecting rod
- connoisseur
- conscience
- conscience pangs
- conscience-stricken
- conscientious objection (to military service)
- conscientious objector
- consciousness
- conservatism
- conservatory
- conservatory, greenhouse
- consideration
- consistency, texture
- console / (cabinet)
- console / (cabinet) (bracket for shelf, bust, cornice; support)
- consonant
- conspicuous consumption
- constellation
- constipated
- constipation
- constituency
- constitution
- constitution: bill of rights
- constitution: unconstitutional
- constitutional
- constitutional law
- constitutional monarchy
- constitutionality
- construction worker
- consul (diplomatic)
- consulate
- consumer
- consumer goods
- consumption
- consumptive (med.)
- contact lens
- contagion, contagiousness
- contagious
- contagious: infect (someone with disease), give (someone cold, flue)
- contagious: infect: transmit (a disease)
- contemporary
- content, table of -s
- content: sugar content
- contents
- contest, challenge, dispute
- context
- continent
- contingent fee (on winning legal case)
- contraception
- contraception, birth control
- contraceptive
- contraceptive (adj.)
- contraceptive (adj.) (noun)
- contract
- contracter (building)
- control panel
- control tower
- convert ((subst.)), proselyte
- conveyer belt
- conveyor belt
- convoy
- cook
- cook (vt)
- cookbook
- cooker
- cookery
- cookie
- cookie, cooky
- cooking
- cooking or salad oil
- cooking utensils
- cooking, art of
- coolant
- coordinate (vb)
- coordination
- coordinator
- copilot
- coping
- copper
- copper mine
- copperplate engraver
- copperplate engraving or etching or printing
- copy
- copy (noun)
- copy (verb)
- copy machine
- copy rough
- copyright
- copyright (vt)
- coral
- cord
- cordovan, a fine-grained, colored leather
- corduroy
- cork
- corn
- corn (US), maize (Br.)
- corn cob
- corn: tassel
- corncob
- cornea
- corned beef
- cornerstone
- cornet
- cornice
- coronary arteries
- coronation
- corporal (mil.)
- corporal punishment
- corporate
- corporation
- correlation
- correspondence
- correspondence (exchange of letters)
- corridor
- corridor, hallway
- corrosive
- corrosive, caustic
- corrugated cardboard
- corrupt politician, jobber
- corset
- cortisone
- cosecant
- cosine
- cosmetic
- cosmetic (abstr.)
- cosmetics
- cosmogony
- cosmopolitan
- Cossack
- cost of living
- cost of living index
- cot
- cotangent
- cottage
- cottage cheese
- cotton
- cotton (adj)
- cotton (adj.)
- cotton (plant)
- cotton ball or swab
- cotton mill
- cotton wad (as in aspirine bottle)
- couchette car
- cougar
- cougar, mountain lion, puma
- cough drop
- cough syrup
- council (church), synod
- count
- count-down
- countdown
- counter, bar
- counter, bar (along which customers sit or stand)
- counter-effect, reaction, counter-action
- Counter-Reformation, Catholic Reformation
- counterclaim
- counterclockwise
- counterfeit money
- counterfeiting
- counterpoint
- counterpoint (theory)
- countersign
- countess
- coup d’état, putsch
- coupe
- coupon, voucher
- courier
- course
- course schedule
- court
- court (law)
- court / tribunal
- court expenses
- court-martial
- court-martial (vt)
- courthouse
- courtier
- courtly
- courtroom
- courtyard
- couscous
- cover
- cover someone's expenses
- covered wagon
- cow, milk
- cowboy
- cowl
- coyote
- crab
- cradle
- craftsman
- cramp, cramp iron, clamp
- cramp, cramp iron, clamp (vt)
- cramp, spasm, convulsion, twitch
- cramp: tic, minor muscle spasm
- crane
- crane (machine)
- cranial
- cranium
- crank
- crank (vt)
- crank, winder
- crankcase
- crankshaft
- crape
- crash landing
- crater
- crawfish, crayfish
- crawl (swimming stroke)
- crayon
- crazy quilt
- cream
- cream (vt)
- cream cheese
- cream puff
- creamery
- creamy
- crease
- crease (vi)
- crease (vt)
- creative
- credit
- credit card
- creditor
- creed, credo
- creeper, creeping plant or vine
- cremate
- crematio
- crematorium
- crescendo
- crescent
- crescent (moon)
- cress
- crevice (in glacier)
- crew
- crib
- crick (as crick in the neck)
- cricket
- criminal case
- criminal law
- criminal: civil case
- criminal: civil lawyer (opp. criminal)
- criminality
- crimson
- crisis
- critical apparatus
- critical edition
- criticism, critique
- crocodile
- crocus
- croquet
- cross
- cross (breeds)
- cross section
- cross-breeding, inter-breeding
- cross-country
- cross-country race
- cross-examination
- cross-examine (vt)
- cross-eyed
- cross-fire
- cross-legged
- cross-reference
- cross-section
- crossbow
- crossbowman
- crossbreed
- crossroads
- crossroads, intersection
- crosswalk
- crosswalk (pedestrian)
- crosswalk, pedestrian crossing
- crossword puzzle
- crotch
- croupier
- crouton
- crow's-foot
- crow's-nest
- crowbar
- crucible
- crucificion
- crucifix
- crucify
- crude oil
- cruelty to animals
- cruet (small bottle containing oil or vinegar for table)
- cruise
- cruise missile
- cruise ship
- cruiser
- cruller (sort of twisted doughnut)
- crumb
- crumb (vt)
- crumble
- crumbly
- crusade
- crusade (campaign)
- crusade (religious revival)
- crusader
- crust
- crust of bread
- crustacean
- crusty
- crutch
- crux
- crux, core, essence
- crypt
- cryptic
- crystal
- crystal (adj.)
- crystal (glassware)
- crystalline
- crystallization
- crystallize
- crêpe (sort of cloth)
- crêpe paper
- cub
- cube
- cube (vt)
- cubic centimenter
- cubic meter
- cubic root
- cubic(al)
- cuckold
- cuckoo
- cucumber
- cue
- cue (billiards)
- cue (vt)
- cuff
- cuff (pants)
- cuff (shirt, coat)
- cuff (shirt, coat) (shirt)
- cuff (vt)
- cuff links
- cuisine
- culinary
- cult of fetishes
- cultural
- cultural integration
- culturald
- culture
- cumulus
- cuneiform
- cup (as award), trophy
- cup (medical) vt
- cup and saucer
- cup of coffee
- cupbearer
- cupboard
- cupcake
- cupola
- cupping
- cur
- curate
- curator
- curaçao
- curbstone
- curd
- curdle
- curds
- curds, cottage cheese
- cure-all, panacea
- curfew
- curl
- curl (vi)
- curl (vt)
- curler (hair)
- curling
- curling iron
- curly
- curly: naturally curly hair
- currant bush
- currant pie
- currency
- currency exchange
- currency exchange office, bureau de change
- current
- current (electric)
- current (year, month, week)
- current events
- current market value
- current, relevant, topical, fasionable
- curriculum
- curriculum, course of studies
- curriculum, course of study
- curry
- cursive letter
- curtain
- curtain (vt)
- curtain rings
- curtsy
- curve
- curve, bend
- cushion
- custard
- custodian
- customer service
- customer, trade
- customers, clientele
- customhouse
- customs
- customs declaration
- customs inspection
- customs office
- customs official
- customss officer
- cut
- cut (deck of cards)
- cut glass
- cut-back
- cutaneous
- cutlery, eating utensiles (forks, spoons, knives)
- cutlery: fork
- cutlery: knife
- cutlery: knife: pocket knife
- cutlery: spoon
- cutlery: spoon: slotted spoon
- cutlery: spoon: soup spoon
- cutlery: spoon: spoonful
- cutlery: spoon: tablespoon
- cutlet
- cutlet, chop, schnitzel
- cutter
- cutting edge (of knife)
- cybercybernetics (adj.)
- cybernetics
- cyclist
- cylinder
- cylindrical
- cymbal
- cynicism
- Cyrillic
- czar, tzar
- Czechoslovakia
- dachsund
- daffodil
- dairy
- dairy farm
- dairy industry
- daisy
- dam
- dam (vt)
- dance
- dance (vi)
- dance club
- dance hall
- dance music
- dance orchestra
- dancer
- dancing school
- dandelion
- dandruff
- dandy, person highly conscious of dress and fashion
- Dane, Danish
- dart
- Darwinism
- dash
- dashboard, instrument panel, console
- data
- data (statistical)
- data collection
- date
- date (fruit)
- date palm
- date vb
- dative
- datum, piece of data
- dawn, daybreak
- day off, holiday, vacation day
- day-care, day-nursery
- daydream
- days of the week: ecclesiastical names
- days of the week: ordinary names
- deacon
- Dead Sea
- dead-end street, one-way street
- dead-end-street, pocket
- deadline
- deaf-mute
- deal (cards)
- dean
- dean, head of faculty or college
- death knell
- death penalty, capital punishment
- debate
- debauchery, libertinage
- debt
- debt collection
- debtor
- debtor in arrears
- decade
- decadent
- decaf
- decathlon
- decentralize
- decentralize: regionalism
- decibel
- decimal
- decimal fraction
- decimal number system
- deck
- deck (cards)
- deck (ship)
- deck of cards
- deck or pack (cards)
- deck, lower
- declaration of war
- Declaraton of Human Rights
- declension
- decline
- decode
- decode, decipher
- decompress
- decompression
- decrescendo
- dedication (of book)
- deduct, write off
- deductible
- deduction, tax write-off
- defamation
- defamation: libel (crime: written defamation)
- defamation: libel (crime: written defamation) (vt)
- defamationous
- default
- default (vi)
- default: judgment by default
- defective
- defendant
- defense lawyer
- deficit
- deflation
- degree (temperature)
- degree of latitude
- degree of longitude
- deism
- delay
- delayed, late (as train)
- delicatessen
- delirium tremens
- deliver letter
- deluge
- demagogue, rabble-rouser
- demilitarization
- demilitarize
- democracy
- democracy: republic
- democrat
- democratic
- demographer
- demographic
- demography
- demolition worker
- demon
- demon, devil
- demon-worshipper
- den, room for resting or retiring
- Denmark
- denomination
- denominational
- denominator
- denouement
- dentist
- dentist's drill
- dentistry, profession of dentist
- dentures (set of), false teeth
- deodorant
- department (administrative)
- department (university)
- department of classics
- department store
- department store, supermarket
- department, division, section
- department, section, unit
- depend on
- depersonalization
- depilatory
- deposit
- deposit (noun)
- deposit (verb)
- deposit or invest
- depositary (person)
- depot
- depreciate
- depreciate (vi)
- depreciation
- depressed
- depression
- depression (psychological)
- deputy
- derail
- derby
- derivation
- derivative
- descend: be descended from
- desert
- deserter
- desertion
- desertion (of spouse)
- desk
- desk pad
- dessert
- destination
- detachment of retina
- detective
- detective movie
- detective novel
- detective novel, murder mystery
- detective: private detective, private eye, sleuth
- detergent
- determinism
- determinist
- dethronement
- detour
- detour (vi)
- devalu(at)e
- devaluation
- devaluation of currency
- devalue
- develop
- developing countries, third world
- developing, underdeveloped (of country)
- developing: uderdeveloped
- development
- development (of roll of film)
- development, evolution
- deviance
- deviant
- device
- devil
- devil's advocate
- diabetes
- diacritical mark
- diagnose
- diagnosis
- diagnostic
- diagonal
- diagonal (adj)
- diagram
- diagrammatic
- dial
- dial or face (of clock, watch)
- dial, tune to station
- dialect
- dialectal
- dialectic(al)
- diameter
- diametrical
- diamond
- diaper
- diaphragm
- diarrhea
- diary
- diary, journal
- diaspora
- dice
- dice (game)
- dice (vi)
- dichotomy
- dictaphone
- dictionary
- dictionary, lexicon, glossary
- did you sleep well?
- die
- die laughing, bust laughint
- dieresis
- diesel fuel
- diesel locomotive
- diet
- diet (vi)
- diet, regime
- dietary, dietetic
- dietetic, low-calorie
- dietetics
- dietics, study of nutrition
- differential calculus
- digit
- digital (opp. analog)
- dike
- dilapidated
- dildo
- dilemma
- dilettante
- dilettante, amateur
- dilute, water down, adulterate
- dim headlights
- dimension
- diminutive
- dimple
- dimple (caused by laughter)
- dinghy
- dinghy, rubber
- dining car
- dining car, café car (in train)
- dining room
- dinner
- dinner guest
- dinosaur
- diphtheria
- diphthong
- diploma
- diplomacy
- diplomat
- diplomatic
- diplomatic corps
- diplomatic relations
- dipstick
- direct discourse
- direct tax (such as income tax, property tax)
- director
- director (of play or movie)
- directory
- dirigible
- disability benefits or pension
- disability insurance
- disabled or handicapped person
- disarm
- disarmament, arms reduction
- disc brake
- discharge (battery)
- disciple
- disco (music style)
- discotheque
- discount
- discount (vt)
- discount, deduction
- discount, rebate
- discover (of scientist)
- discriminate: without discriminating, without respect of person
- disengage clutch
- disfunction
- dish
- dish (part of meal)
- dish up
- dish, plate
- dish, plate: saucer
- dish, plate: tableware
- dish, plate: tray
- dish, plate: tureen, soup bowl
- dish, plate: wash dishes
- dishcloth
- dishes (collectively)
- dishes: dirty dishes
- dishpan
- dishwasher
- dishwater
- disinfectant
- disinheriting
- disk
- disk drive
- disk jockey, deejay
- disk(ette) (computer)
- diskette
- dismantle
- dismissal (of charge)
- display
- display case, glass cupboard
- disqualification
- disqualify
- dissect
- dissertation, thesis
- dissident
- distillation
- distillery
- distributor (e.g., of film)
- distributor (in car)
- ditch
- diuretic
- diuretic (adj.)
- dive (at pool)
- dive, high
- diver
- diver (deep-sea)
- diver (with snorkel or scuba gear)
- divide (x by y)
- dividend
- diving
- diving bell
- diving board
- diving gear
- diving goggles
- diving suit
- divining rod
- divinity degree, D. Div.
- divinity school
- divisibility
- division
- division (mil.)
- division of labor
- divisor
- divorce
- divorce (verb)
- divorce (vt)
- divorced
- dizziness
- do business
- do split
- Dobermann (dog)
- dock
- dock, dry
- docker, dock worker, longshoreman
- docket (law)
- dockyard
- doctor (female)
- doctor making house calls
- doctor on duty
- doctor-patient confidentiality
- doctoral student or candidate
- doctorate
- doctor’s consultation room
- doctor’s office
- document
- document (vt)
- documentary
- documentary film
- documentation
- documents, papers
- doe
- dog days (hottest part of summer)
- dog tag
- doge (Venetian ruler)
- doghouse
- dogs track mud into the house
- doll
- dollar
- dolphin
- domestic affairs
- domestic animal, pet
- dominoes
- done
- donkey
- door
- door (car)
- door (revolving)
- door frame
- door handle
- door knocker
- doorbell
- doorknob
- doorman
- doorman, gatekeeper, concierge
- doorman, porter
- doormat
- doorstep
- doorway
- dope
- Doppler effect
- dormer window, attic window
- dormitory
- dose
- dose (vt)
- dotted note
- double accusative
- double boiler
- double consonant
- double room
- double-bass, bass fiddle
- double-breasted
- double-ledger bookkeeping
- doubledoor
- dough
- dough, paste
- doughnut
- doughnut, beignet, cream puff
- dowel
- down payment
- down payment, earnest money, deposit
- Down's syndrome, (formerly) mongolism
- down-payment, deposit, (first) installment
- downbeat
- downhill skiing
- downpour
- downstream
- downtown
- dowry
- doze
- draft (bank)
- draft (military)
- draft board
- draft, draught
- draft: levy (of soldiers)
- draft: liable for military service, subject to draft
- draftsman
- drafty
- dragnet
- dragon
- dragonfly
- dragoon
- dragoons
- drain
- drainage
- drainpipe
- drama
- dramatic
- dramatics
- dramatist
- dramatize
- drapery
- drapes
- draw diagram
- drawbridge
- drawer
- drawing
- drawing room
- dream interpretation
- dredge
- dress (woman’s)
- dress circle
- dress in larger size
- dress parade
- dress rehearsal
- dress: formal dress
- dressing
- dressing table
- dressmaker
- dressmaking
- dressy
- dribble
- dried (of meat or fish)
- dried milk
- drill
- drill (practice)
- drill (small)
- drill (vt)
- drink (act of drinking)
- drink coffee
- drink to
- drink toast, drink to one’s health
- drink-stand
- drink: cup
- drink: glass
- drink: glass: wine-glass, goblet
- drink: glassware
- drink: mug, stein, tankard
- drinkable
- drinker
- drinking
- drinks, beverages
- drive
- drive (a car or other vehicle)
- drive (vehicle)
- drive (vt)
- drive shaft
- drive wheel
- drive, four-wheel
- drive, front-wheel
- driver
- driver (of car)
- driver, coachman
- driver’s license
- driveway
- driving school
- drizzle
- drizzle (vi)
- drone
- drop off letter
- drop-out
- dropper
- dropsy
- drug
- drug (narcotic, mind-altering, addictive)
- drug (vt)
- drug abuse
- drug addict
- drug addiction
- druggist
- druggist, pharmacist
- drugstore
- drugstore, pharmacy
- druid
- drum
- drum major
- drummer
- drumstick
- drunk
- drunkard
- drunken
- drunkenness
- dry cleaner’s
- dry cleaning
- dry dock
- dryer (clothes)
- dualism
- dub (movie)
- dubbing
- duchess
- duchy
- duck (as food)
- duck-billed platypus
- due date, deadline (for payment)
- due procedure
- duel
- duet
- duffel bag
- duke
- dull (of knife)
- dullness (mental)
- dumbbells
- dumpling
- dune
- dune (sand)
- dungarees
- dust jack
- dust jacket
- duster
- Dutch
- duty
- duty-free
- duty: subject to duty
- dwarf
- dye one’s hair
- dynamite
- dynamo
- dynastic
- dynasty
- e-mail
- e. coli, escherichia coli
- eagle
- ear
- ear infection
- ear specialist
- ear wax
- earache
- eardrum
- earmuff(s)
- earn doctorate
- earpiece
- earthenware
- earthquake
- earthworm
- easel
- Easter
- Easter bunny
- Easter egg
- Easter Sunday
- Eatser
- eaves
- ebb
- ebb and flow
- ebb tide
- ebony
- ecclesiastical pronounciation
- echo
- echo (vi)
- echo (vt)
- eclipse
- eclipse (vt)
- eclipse, solar
- ecological
- ecologist
- ecology
- economic
- economic crisis, recession
- economical
- economics
- economist
- economy
- ecosystem
- ecstasy
- ecstasy (drug)
- ecumenical
- ecumenicism
- edema
- edit
- editing
- edition (of book)
- editor
- editorial staff
- editorial, commentary
- education
- efficient, productive
- egg
- egg white
- egg yolk
- eggplant
- eggshell
- eggwhite
- ego
- egoism
- egoist
- egoistic(al)
- egotism
- egotism, self-love
- egotist
- egotistic(al)
- egotistical, self-centered
- Eiffel Tower
- eighth note
- eighth note (US), quaver (Br.)
- ejaculate
- eke out living
- elastic (adj)
- elasticity (phys.)
- electicism
- electioneer
- electioneering
- elective
- elector
- electoral
- electorate
- electric
- electric bus
- electric chair
- electric eye
- electric generator
- electric light bulb
- electric meter
- electric razor
- electric shock therapy
- electric tension, voltage
- electrical
- electrical engineer
- electrical engineering
- electrician
- electricity
- electricity electricity
- electricity meter
- electricity, electric current
- electrify (vt)
- electrocute (
- electrocution
- electrode
- electrolysis
- electromagnet
- electromagnetic radiation
- electromagnetic wave
- electron
- electron microscope
- electronic
- electronicics
- electronics
- element
- element (chemical)
- elementary school
- elementary school student
- elevation (architectural drawing)
- elevator
- elite
- elk
- ellipse
- ellipsis
- ellipsis points
- elliptic(al)
- elliptical
- embalm
- embalming
- embargo (on ships)
- embargo (on ships) (on goods)
- embargo (on ships) vt
- embezzlement, misappropriation, graft
- embroider
- embroidery
- embryo
- embryology
- embryonic
- emerald
- emergency
- emergency brake
- emergency brakes
- emetic
- emigrate
- emir
- emirate
- emotion
- emotional (of person)
- emphatic
- empirical
- empiricism
- employ
- employ (vt)
- employee
- employee, wage-earner
- employer
- employer, enterpreneur
- employment
- employment agency
- employment contract
- emulsion
- enact, pass (legislation)
- enactment
- enamel
- enamel (noun)
- enamel (vt)
- enamel of tooth
- enclave
- enclosure (with letter)
- encode, encrypt
- encyclop(a)edia
- encyclopedia
- endemic
- ending (of inflected word)
- endive
- endorse
- endorsee
- endorsement (on back of check)
- endorser
- energy
- engaged (to be married)
- engagement
- engineer
- engineer (person supervising engines of train, ship)
- engineer (vi)
- engineering
- engrave
- enlarging, enlargement
- Enlightenment
- enough said
- enterprise: free -
- entertainment
- entertainment, pleasure
- enthusiasm
- entrepreneur
- entry in an account, bookkeeping entry
- envelope
- environment
- environment (generally), surroundings
- environment (natural)
- environment (social), milieu
- environment, surroundings
- environmental
- environmental activists, 'les Verts,' 'die Grünen'
- environmental conservation
- environmental protectio
- environmentalist
- enzyme
- eon
- epaulet
- epidemic (adj.)
- epidemic (subst.)
- epilepsy
- epileptic
- epiphany
- episode (of TV series)
- epistemology, theroy of knowledge
- epitaph
- epoch
- equal sign
- equation
- equator
- equatorial
- equilateral
- equipment, gear, apparatus
- era, epoch
- erase, delete
- eraser
- erection (of penis)
- erogenous zone
- escalator
- escudo
- eskimo
- esophagus
- ESP, sixth sense, telepathy
- Esperanto
- espresso
- espresso (coffee)
- essay
- essay (rough or non-definitive treatment of subject)
- essay (scholarly)
- essayist
- essential
- essential (phil.)
- estate
- esthetic
- esthetics
- estimate (of value)
- estimate roughly
- estrogen
- etching
- etherization
- ethics
- ethnographic
- ethnological
- ethnologist
- ethnology
- etiquette
- etiquette, rules of
- eugenics
- eunuch, castrato
- euphoria
- European Community
- European Union
- European university entrance exam, Abitur, bac
- Eustachian tube
- euthanasia
- evacuation
- eve
- even number
- evening: this evening
- evergreen
- evidence
- evolution
- evolution (biological)
- evolution, theory or doctrine of
- evolutionary
- ex-king, former king
- exageration
- exam
- exam-taker
- examination
- examiner
- excavate, dredge
- excavation
- excavator
- excentric
- excentricity
- exchange
- exchange (currency)
- exchange (place or office where currency is exchanged)
- exchange (vt)
- exchange letters
- exchange professors
- exchange rate
- excise
- excise tax, sales tax
- exciting, thrilling
- exclamation point
- exclamation sign
- exclusion, marginalization
- exclusive rights
- excommunicate
- excommunication
- excursion, sortie
- executive
- executive, manager, boss
- executor
- executor (of will)
- exercise, engage in sports
- exercise, physica training
- exercise: demonstrate an exercise
- exhaust (fumes)
- exhaust pipe
- exhibition
- existential
- existentialism
- existentialist
- exit, emergency
- exorcism
- exorcist
- exotic
- expenses
- experimental
- experimental animal, guinea pig
- experimental chemistry
- expert
- expire, lapse, become invalid
- explode, blow up / (vi)
- exploit, overwork
- exploitation
- explosion, detonation
- explosive (subst.)
- explusion
- exponent
- exponential
- export
- export (action)
- export (adj.)
- export (exports, exported goods)
- export (vt)
- exportation
- exporter
- expose
- exposure
- express letter
- expressway
- expropriate, dispossess, confiscate
- expropriation, dispossession
- exsistentialist
- extended family
- extension, postponement
- extinguisher
- extra (movie), supernumerary
- extra charge
- extract
- extract (root)
- extraction of root
- extraction or pulling out of tooth
- extracurricular
- extradite
- extradition
- extrapolation
- extrasensory
- extrasensory perception
- extraterrestrial (being)
- extreme unction, last rites, viaticum
- eye shadow
- eye socket
- eye-shadow
- eye: cataract (eye)
- eye: glaucoma
- eye: iris
- eye: retina
- eyeball
- eyebrow
- eyelash
- eyelashes
- eyelid
- eyeshade
- eyewitness
- face to face
- facial expression
- facsimile
- facsimile edition
- factor
- factory
- factory, plant
- factory, textile
- faculty
- fade (of color)
- faded
- faded (of color)
- fail
- fail (course or test)
- fail (teacher as subj.)
- fail (teacher as subj.) (student as subj.)
- fail an examination
- failure (in course or on test)
- fainting, passing out, loss of consciousness
- fair
- fairground
- fairy
- fairy tale
- fairylike
- fakir
- falcon
- falsetto
- family tree
- family tree, genealogy, pedigree
- fan
- fan (electric)
- fan (held in hand)
- fan-belt
- fanatic (noun)
- fanfare
- fang
- fantasia
- far-sighted
- far-sightedness (opp. near-sightedness)
- farce
- farcical
- fare
- farm
- farm (vt)
- farm hand
- farmer
- farmhouse
- farming
- farmyard
- farsighted
- fart
- Fascism
- fascist (adj.)
- fascist (subst.)
- Fascist: anti-Fascist (adj.)
- Fascist: anti-Fascist (subst.)
- fashion
- fashionable
- fashionable,
- fasten seat belt
- fat (noun)
- fat content
- fatalism
- faucet
- faucet, tap
- faucet, tap, spigot
- faucet, tap, spigot (on cask or barrel)
- faucet, turn on
- fawn
- fax
- fax machine
- façade
- fear of heights
- fear of water
- Feast of Tabernacles, Sukkoth
- federal
- federal government
- federal railways
- federalism
- federation
- feedback
- fellow passenger
- felon
- felonious
- felony
- felt
- felt-tip pen
- female genitals
- female pubic hair
- female secretary
- feminine napkin, tampon
- feminism
- feminist
- fence
- fence (vt)
- fence master
- fence match
- fence school
- fencer
- fencing
- fencing (or boxing): feint
- fender, mud guard
- fermata
- fermentation (of alcoholic beverage)
- fern
- ferret
- ferry
- ferry (vt)
- ferry boat
- ferryboat
- ferryman
- fertilizer
- fertilizer (chemical)
- festival
- fetish
- fetish (irrational attachment to object or activity)
- fettucine
- feudal
- feudalism
- fever: have fever
- fiasco
- fiber
- fibrous
- fiction
- fictional
- fictitious
- fiddle
- fiddle (vi)
- fiddler
- field
- field (for sports), court
- field (of study or expertise)
- field day
- field hockey ball
- field hockey player
- field hospital
- field marshal
- field mushroom
- field of vision
- field, playing
- field, subject area
- fife
- fifth (interval)
- figurative
- figurative meaning
- figure of speech
- figure skater
- figure, sign for number, 'chiffre'
- filament
- file
- file (computer)
- file (folder for documents)
- file (vt)
- file by
- file cabinet
- file folder
- file, dossier
- file, in single -
- file, rasp, scraper
- filibuster
- filibuster (vt)
- filigree
- filigree (adj)
- filing
- filings
- fill cavity
- fill cavity, do filling
- fill out form
- fillet
- filling station attendant
- filling station, gas station
- film
- film (for still pictures)
- film (vt)
- film festival
- filter
- filter (noun)
- filter (verb)
- filter (vi)
- filter (vt)
- final exam
- final score
- final whistle
- finance, fundvb
- financial
- financial institution
- financier
- find an empty seat
- fine (legal), ticket
- fine arts
- fine: traffic fine
- finger
- finger (vt)
- finger, index
- fingerboard (of string instrument)
- fingering
- fingernail
- fingernail clipping
- fingerprint
- fingerprint (vt)
- fingertip
- fire alarm
- fire chief
- fire engine
- fire escape
- fire insurance
- fire, dismiss
- fire-extinguisher
- firearms
- firecracker
- firefighter, fireman
- firefly, lightning bug, glowworm
- fireman
- fireplace
- fireproof
- fireproof (vt)
- fireproof building
- fireworks
- fireworks (concrete)
- fireworks (display)
- firing range
- firing, dismissal
- firm
- first aid
- first class
- first class ticket
- first edition
- first half (before half-time)
- first name
- first-aid kit
- first-class ticket
- first-place (prize)
- fiscal
- fiscal year
- fiscal year, financial year
- fish (v.), angle
- fish hatchery
- fishbone
- fishhook
- fishing
- fishing line
- fishinging rod
- fission
- fission (nuclear)
- fission nuclear
- fisticuffs
- fixed memory
- fixed residence
- flag, banner, penant
- flag, banner, penant (of ship)
- flag, banner, penant (standard)
- flag: at half mast (of flag)
- flag: star-spangled banner
- flagpole
- flagship
- flagstaff
- flagstone
- flake
- flame thrower
- flammable
- flannel
- flash
- flash picture
- flashback
- flashlight
- flat
- flat foot
- flat-footed person
- flatiron
- flautist
- flea market
- flesh color
- flexibility
- flick
- flick or hit switch, turn on (or off) switch
- flier
- flight
- flight (air travel)
- flight attendant
- flight attendant, stewardess
- flight path, air route, orbit (of satellite)
- flint
- flirt
- flirtation
- float
- floe
- Flood (biblical), deluge
- floor
- floor (level or story of building)
- floor plan, blueprint
- floor, first (US), ground floor
- floor, ground
- florist
- florist's shop
- flowerpot
- flu
- fluctuation, variation (esp. economic)
- flue
- fluency
- fluencyly
- fluent
- fluorescence
- fluorescent
- flute
- flute (transverse)
- flute (vt)
- fluted (of columns)
- fluting
- flutist
- fly
- fly (of pants)
- fly the flag at half-mast
- fly wheel
- fly-swatter
- flying saucer
- foam rubber
- focus (vb)
- focus camera
- folded or joined or interlocked hands
- folding
- folding bed
- folding doors
- folding seat or chair
- folding table
- folk
- folk folk music
- folk, invovling folk culture (adj.)
- folklore
- folklorist, scholar of folk culture
- folksong
- fondue (cheese)
- food
- food chain
- food poisoning, botulism
- food, nourishment
- foot brake
- foot race
- foot: instep
- football
- football, play
- football: forward (player)
- football: goal
- football: goal: make goal (in soccer)
- football: goalkeeper, goalie (in soccer)
- football: pass
- football: penalty kick or shot
- football: player
- football: rugby
- football: soccer
- football: soccer (ball)
- football: soccer (game)
- football: soccer field
- footnote
- footprint, track
- footstool, foot-rest
- for the last two weeks
- forced labor
- forceps
- forearm
- forecast
- forecast (vt)
- forecastle
- foreclose
- foreclosure
- forefinger
- foreground
- foreign
- foreign accent
- foreign affairs
- foreign legion
- foreign trade
- foreigner
- foreleg
- foreman
- foreman, overseer
- forensic medicine
- foreseeable
- forest ranger
- forestry
- foretaste
- forgery
- forget-me-not
- fork in the road
- form (document)
- form letter
- form of government
- form, fill out
- formal (a matter of form only)
- formal (a matter of form only) (official)
- formal dinner
- formalism
- formalites, technicalities (legal)
- formulate (put into words)
- forte (noun)
- fortune-telling from cards
- fossil
- fossils
- foster brother
- foster mother
- foundation
- foundry
- fountain
- fountain pen
- four years ago
- four-cylinder motor
- four-sided or quadrilalteral figure
- four-wheel drive
- fourth (interval)
- fowling, bird-catching
- foxglove
- foyer
- fraction
- fracture, broken bone
- Fragebogen
- frame
- frame (of door or window)
- frame (painting)
- franc
- France
- fraternal twins
- fraternity
- freckle
- freckled
- free market
- free time
- free translation
- freedom of religion
- freedom of speech
- freedom of the press
- freedom of thought
- Freemason, Mason
- Freemason, Mason (collectively)
- freeway, expressway, interstate highway
- freeze-drying
- freeze: it freezes
- freezing point
- freight
- freight car
- freight charge
- freight train
- French fries
- French horn
- French kiss
- frequency
- frequency of oscillations
- fresco
- fresh water (opp. to salt water)
- freshman
- Freudian slip
- friar, brother
- fricassee
- fricative
- fried
- fried egg
- fried eggs
- frieze
- frill (ruffle)
- fringe (trim)
- fritter
- frog
- frogman
- from head to toe
- front door
- front page (of newspaper)
- front-row seats
- frontier (border)
- frost
- frosted
- frosting
- frozen
- frozen food
- fructose
- fruit juice
- fuchsia
- fudge
- fuel
- fuel oil
- fuel tank
- fuel, propellant
- fugue
- fume, vapor, exhalation
- fumigation
- function
- fund
- funds
- funeral
- funeral home
- funeral pyre
- funeraldirector
- fungicide
- fungus
- funicular
- funicular, cable railway (ascending mountain), téléphérique (Fr.)
- funnel
- fur
- fur (adj.)
- fur coat
- fur shop
- furlough
- furnace
- furnished room
- furniture
- furniture- or cabinet-maker
- furrier
- fuse
- fuse (explosive)
- fuse (in fusebox)
- fuse (wick or other device for setting off explosive)
- fuse, detonator
- fusion (nucelar)
- G.I.
- gable
- gadfly
- Gaelic
- gaiter, legging
- galactic
- galaxy
- galaxy, Milky Way
- gall
- gall bladder
- gallery
- gallery (art)
- gallery, balcony (in church, theater)
- galley
- galley slave
- gallon
- gallop
- gallop (noun)
- gallop (vi)
- galloping
- gallows
- gamble
- gamble house
- gamble table
- gambler
- gambling
- gambling (or gaming or bridge) table
- gambling machine, slot machine
- game
- game (sports), match
- game of chance, gambling
- game preserve
- game warden
- gamecock
- gamekeeper
- gamete
- gang
- gang member / tough
- gangplank
- gangrene
- gangrenous
- gangster
- gap between the teeth
- gape at
- garage
- garbage
- garbage can, trash can, rubbish bin
- garbage dump
- garbage, paper
- garbage, rubbish
- garbage, waste
- garbage: waste(paper) basket
- garden
- garden: landscape gardening
- gardening tools
- gargoyle
- garland
- garlic
- garret
- garter
- gas
- gas chamber
- gas heating
- gas main
- gas meter
- gas pump
- gas pump (at filling station)
- gas tank
- gas tank, fuel tank (part of vehicle)
- gas up, fill the gas tank
- gas-mask
- gas: mustard gas
- gaseous
- gaseous, gassy
- gasket, washer, seal
- gasoline
- gasoline station
- gasoline, gas
- gasoline, motor fuel
- gastric juice
- gastronomy
- gauze
- gear
- gear (generally)
- gear (of motor vehicle)
- gear shift
- gear-shift lever
- gelatin
- gelatinous
- gender
- gene
- genealogical
- genealogical (or family) tree
- genealogical table
- general (of army)
- general partnership (with full liability)
- generalization
- generalize
- generally
- generation
- generator
- genetic
- genetics
- Geneva
- genie
- genitals
- genocide
- genus
- geocentric
- geochemistry
- geodesy
- geodetic
- geographer
- geographic(al)
- geography
- geological
- geologist
- geology
- geometric(al)
- geometry
- geopolitical
- geranium
- germ, microbe
- germicide
- gerontology
- gerund
- gerundive
- gesture
- gesturing, sign language, body language
- get drunk
- get king
- get off / train
- get out of bed
- get tan
- geyser
- gherkin
- ghetto
- ghost town
- ghost, phantom
- ghosts
- ghoul
- gibberish
- giblets
- gigolo
- gills
- gimlet
- gin
- ginger
- gingerbread
- ginkgo
- giraffe
- girder
- girdle
- girdle (for men)
- give discount, lower (a price)
- give evidence
- give lecture
- give lectures
- gizzard
- glacier
- glance, (sharp or significant) look
- gland
- glandular
- glass eye
- glass fiber or filament, fiberglass
- glass panes
- glass-blower
- glass-blowing
- glassblower
- glasses, eyeglasses
- glasses: sunglasses
- glassworks, glass-making shop
- glazing
- glee club
- glider (for hang-gliding)
- glider, hang- (kite-like gliding apparatus derived in 1960s from glider or sailplane) (craft)
- glider, hang- (kite-like gliding apparatus derived in 1960s from glider or sailplane) (person)
- glider, sailplane (non-powered heavier-than-air flying craft)
- gliding, hang-
- global
- globe
- globe (model of earth)
- globetrotter
- globular
- globule
- glossary
- glove compartment
- glove, mitten
- glowworm
- glucose, dextrose
- glue
- glue (vt)
- glue, wood
- glutton
- glycogen
- gnashing or grinding of teeth
- gnat
- go bankrupt
- go canoeing
- go downtown
- go for drive
- go single file
- go to bed
- goal line
- goal post
- goal-keeper, goalie
- goatee
- goblin
- godchild
- godfather
- godmother
- godparent, sponsor
- godson
- gold ingot
- gold medal
- gold mine
- gold-plating
- goldfinch
- goldfish
- goldleaf
- goldsmith
- golf
- golf caddie
- golf cart
- golf club
- golf course
- golf course hole
- golf course, eighteen-hole
- golf green
- golf, miniature
- golf: driver
- golf: wood
- golfer
- gonads
- gondola
- gong
- Good Friday
- good-by
- goose-step
- goosebumps
- gorge
- gospel
- gossamer
- gothic
- Gothic script
- goulash
- gourd
- gourmet
- gout
- government
- government office
- governmental, political
- governor (of state)
- governor (of state): gubernatorial
- grace or blessing (short prayer said at mealtimes)
- grade (for class)
- grade (US), mark (Br.)
- grade school teacherer
- gradually
- graduate
- graduate (noun)
- graduate student
- graduate, receive an academic degree
- graduation
- graduation, confering of academic degree
- gram
- grandfather clock
- grandstand
- granite
- granulated
- grape juice
- graphic design, graphic arts, graphics
- graphite
- grapnel
- grasshopper
- grasshopper, locust
- grate
- grate: grated lemon peel
- grated cheese
- grater
- grating
- grating (over window)
- gratuity
- gravedigger
- gravel
- gravel pit
- gravestone
- gravestone, tombstone
- graveyard
- gravitation
- gravity
- gravity force of -
- gravy
- gray
- gray-haired
- graying, flecked with gray, pepper-and-salt
- grayish
- grayness
- grazing of skin
- grease
- grease (vt)
- grease, lubricate
- greasy
- great tit
- green
- green bean
- green ink
- greenhouse
- greenhouse effect
- Gregorian chant
- grenade, shell, hand-grenade
- greyhound
- grid
- griffin
- grill (for cooking out)
- grill (for cooking out) (verb)
- grill (for cooking out) (vt)
- grill: brazier (pan holding coals)
- grimace
- gristle
- gristly
- grits
- grits, gruel, cream of wheat
- grizzly bear
- grocer
- groceries
- groceries, buy
- grocery
- grocery store, supermarket
- groin
- groom
- groove
- groove (of record)
- groove (vt)
- groove, slot, rabbet, flute
- groschen (Austrian penny)
- grotto
- ground meat
- ground pepper
- groundwater
- group
- group therapy
- grouse
- growing wild
- grub
- guarantee
- guarantee (on bill)
- guarantee (vt)
- guaranteed employment
- guarantor
- guard / (person)
- guard / (person) (abstract)
- guard: night guard
- guardian angel
- guardian, sponsor
- guardianship (legal)
- guardrail
- guerilla warfare
- guerrilla
- guest
- guest (in hotel)
- guest room
- guest room, spare room
- guestroom
- guidance counselor
- guide (tour)
- guide (tourism)
- guidebook
- guideline
- guidepost
- guild
- guillotine
- guinea (former English coin)
- guinea pig
- guitar
- guitarist
- gull
- gum
- gun
- gun parts: barrel or shaft of gun
- gun parts: breech of gun
- gun parts: bullet
- gun parts: bullet-proof
- gun parts: bullet-proof vest
- gun parts: bullet: cartridge, shell
- gun parts: bullet: shot (small pellets for shotgun)
- gun parts: butt of gun
- gun parts: caliber of gun
- gun parts: cock or hammer of gun
- gun parts: cock or hammer of gun (vt)
- gun parts: holster
- gun parts: magazine (in gun)
- gun parts: ramrod
- gun parts: safety or catch of gun
- gun parts: sight of gun
- gun parts: trigger of gun
- gun types: airgun
- gun types: bayonet
- gun types: howitzer
- gun types: machine gun
- gun types: machine gun: automatic pistol
- gun types: machine gun: carbine
- gun types: machine gun: submachine gun
- gun types: musket
- gun types: pistol
- gun types: revolver
- gun types: rifle
- gun types: rifleman
- gun verbs: gunfire, gunshot
- gun verbs: load (gun)
- gun verbs: shoot or fire (a firearm)
- gunboat
- gunman, musketeer
- gunner
- gunnery
- gunpowder
- gunsmith
- gurgle
- gutter
- gutter, drain
- gutters
- guttural
- gym
- gymnastic
- gymnastics
- gymnist
- gynecology
- gypsum
- gypsy
- haberdasher
- haberdashery
- habitat
- hack
- haddock
- hair (collectively)
- hair (collectively) (a single hair)
- hair loss
- hair-cream, hair-gel, hair-setting lotion
- hair-dresser, hair-stylist, barber
- hair-dresser: dress hair
- hair-dresser: give a haircut
- hair-dryer
- hair-ribbon
- hair-spray
- hairbrush
- haircloth
- haircut, hairdo, hair style
- hairdresser’s, barber shop, beauty salon
- hairnet
- hairpiece, toupet
- hairpin
- half note
- half-brother
- half-hour
- half-life (radioactivity)
- half-moon
- half-pint, chopine (Fr.)
- half-tone
- halibut
- hall
- hallogenic drug
- Halloween
- hallucination
- hallucination, causing
- hallucinogen
- hallucinogenic
- halo
- halter
- ham
- hamburger
- hammer
- hammock
- hamster
- hamstring
- hand (of clock or watch)
- hand (of clock)
- hand brake
- hand, minute
- hand-brush
- hand-written
- handball
- handball (ball)
- handball (game)
- handball player
- handbill
- handbook
- handbook, small book, manual
- handcuff / vt
- handcuffs
- handicap
- handicap, disability
- handicapped, disabled
- handicrafts, hand-made goods
- handkerchief
- handle
- handle with kid gloves
- handlebars (bicycle)
- handrail
- handshake (noun)
- handwriting
- handwritten
- handyman
- handyman, do-it-yourselfer
- hangar
- hangnail
- hangover
- Hanseatic
- Hanseatic League
- Happy New Year
- hard coal, mineral coal, anthracite
- hard-boiled
- hard-boiled egg
- hardening of the arteries, arterioschlerosis
- hardware
- hardware store
- hardware, tools
- hardwood
- harelip
- harem, seraglio
- harlequin
- harmonica
- harmony
- harp
- harpoon
- harpsichord
- harpsicord
- harvest festival
- hash
- hashish
- hat
- hat: beret
- hat: bonnet
- hat: cap
- hat: felt hat
- hat: headware, head-covering
- hat: sombrero
- hat: straw hat
- hat: top hat
- hat: turban
- hat: visor
- hatch eggs
- hatchet
- haunch
- haut-relief
- have an abortion
- have an earache
- have breakfast
- have good trip
- have hangover
- have lunch
- have printed, send to press
- have supper
- have the flu
- having fear of water
- hawk
- hay fever
- hazel
- head (of coin)
- head of hammer
- head of lettuce
- head waiter
- head-on collision
- headache
- headache: have a headache
- headache: migraine (headache)
- headline
- headline article, top story
- headmaster
- headmaster, principal (of school)
- headphone
- headquarters
- headquarters (mil.)
- headquarters, head office
- headquarters, main office
- heads or tails
- headwaiter
- headword, entry (in dictionary, encyclopedia)
- health
- health insurance
- heaping spoonful
- hearing aid
- hearing defect, hearing difficulty
- hearse
- heart attack
- heart by-pass
- heart disease, heart trouble
- heart disease: have heart disease
- heart palpitation
- heart: cardiology
- heart: EKG, cardiogram
- hearts (cards)
- heat conductor
- heat resistant
- heat stroke
- heat, central
- heater
- heater, radiator
- heatering
- heath (open land)
- heath (plant)
- heather
- heating (machine)
- heating (machine) (result)
- heating or fuel oil
- heating system
- heating, radiator
- heaven
- heaven: paradise
- hectare
- hedge
- hedgehog
- helicopter
- helium
- hell
- Hellenstic
- hellish, infernal
- hello
- helm
- helmsman
- hem
- hemisphere
- hemlock
- hemoglobin
- hemophilia
- hemorrhage
- hemorrhage: bleeding
- hemorrhoids
- hemp
- hen-pecked (husband)
- heptagon, seven-sided figure
- heraldic
- herb tea
- herbicide
- hereditary, inherited
- hermaphrodite
- hermeneutic
- hermeneutics
- hermetic
- hermetic seal
- hermetically
- hermetically sealed
- hernia
- hero
- heroic
- heroin
- heroism
- heron
- herpes
- herring
- heterogeneous
- heuristic
- hexadecimal
- hexagonal
- hibernate
- hibernation
- hiccup, hiccough
- hiccup, hiccough (vi)
- hiccups
- hide and seek
- hide-and-seek
- hierarchization
- hierarchy
- hieroglyphic
- hieroglyphics
- hieroglyphs
- high chair, child's chair, car seat
- high frequency
- high school
- high school teacher
- high tide
- high voltage or tension
- high-quality
- high-speed rail
- highball
- highway
- hijack
- hijacker
- hijacking
- hike
- hike (vi)
- hike, go hiking (in the mountains)
- hiker, mountain-climber
- hiking
- hiking boot
- Himalaya
- Hindu
- Hinduism
- hinge
- hinterland
- hip
- hippodrome
- hippopotamus
- hippy
- hippy: punk
- hippy: punk (adj.)
- hire
- hire (vt)
- hire oneself out
- hire, employ
- hired killer
- hireling
- historian
- historical
- historical dating: in the fourth century A.D.
- historicism
- historiography
- history
- history: prehistoric
- hit (song)
- hit or press key
- hit the jackpot
- hitch
- hitch-hiking
- hitchhike
- hitchhike, thumb (a ride)
- hitchhike, thumb ride
- hitchhiker
- hitchhiking
- hoarseness
- hobby
- hobby or study of coin and coin-collecting, numismatics
- hockey
- hockey puck
- hockey stick
- hockey, field
- hockey, ice
- hoe
- hoe (verb)
- hoe (with two prongs)
- hogshead
- hold press conference
- hole-puncher
- holiday
- holidays
- holly
- Hollywood
- holocaust
- holographic will
- Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit
- holy water
- Holy Week
- home baseball
- home economics
- home page
- homeland, native country
- homeless
- homeless shelter, shelter for indigent or homeless, poorhouse, workhouse (Br.)
- homelessness
- homeopath(ist)
- homeopathic
- homeopathy
- homesickness
- homework
- homework, assignment, paper
- homogeneity
- homogeneous
- homosexual
- homosexuality
- homosexuality (pej.)
- honey-moon
- honeymoon
- honorary member
- hookah, water-pipe
- hoop
- hoopoe
- horizon
- horizontal
- horizontal bar
- hormone
- horn
- horn (car)
- horn player
- hornet
- horoscope
- horoscope (adj.)
- hors d’oeuvres, appetizers
- hors-d'oeuvre
- horse race
- horse radish
- horseback riding
- horsemeat
- horsepower
- horseradish
- horseshoe
- hose
- hose (garden)
- hospital
- hospital: clinic
- hospital: clinical
- hospital: infirmary
- hospital: intensive care unit
- hospital: outpatient clinic or ward
- hospital: sanatarium, home for those recovering (from alcoholism, addiction, mental illness)
- hospital: university or medical school clinic
- hospitalization
- hospitalization insurance
- hospitalize
- host
- host (eccl.)
- hostel
- hostess
- hot (spicy, picante), peppery
- hot cocoa, hot chocolate
- hot dog
- hot dog, frank
- hot sausage, hot dog
- hot spring, mineral spring
- hot-plate
- hot-water bottle
- hotel
- hotel bar
- hothouse
- hotograph
- hotographer
- hotography
- hotweather
- hound
- hour
- hour and half
- hour hand
- hour, half-
- hourglass
- hours: matins
- hours: vespers
- house
- house, country
- house, residence
- house-painter
- houseboat
- household
- household expressions: / I have to / clean the kitty litter three times day
- housepainter
- housewarming
- housewife
- housework
- hovercraft
- how are you?
- how many times week
- hub
- hubcap
- hull
- human race
- human relationships
- humanism
- humanist
- humanistic
- Hungarian
- hunger
- hunting dog, hound
- hunting permit
- hunting rifle
- hurdle
- hurdle (vt)
- hurdle, obstacle
- hurricane
- hurricane, typhoon, cyclone
- huskie, sled-dog
- hussar
- hustler, male prostitute
- hybrid
- hydrant
- hydraulic
- hydraulic brake
- hydraulic pump
- hydraulics
- hydrocarbon
- hydroelectric
- hydrofoil
- hydrogen
- hydroplane
- hyena
- hygiene
- hygienic
- hymen
- hymn
- hymnbook
- hyperbolic
- hyphen
- hyphenate
- hypnosis
- hypnosis, mesmerism
- hypnotic
- hypnotist
- hypnotize
- hypochondria
- hypochondriac
- hypotenuse
- hypothesis
- hypothetical
- hysteria
- hysterical
- I agree with you
- I don’t have time to have lunch
- I usually get up at 8:30
- I usually leave the office at 5
- ice
- ice age
- ice cream
- ice cube
- ice hockey player
- ice skates
- ice water
- ice-covered, frozen over
- ice-skating
- iceberg
- iced drink
- icicle
- icing
- icon
- idea
- idea (phil.)
- ideal
- ideal gas
- idealism
- idealist
- idealistic
- idealize
- ideas
- identification
- identification card, ID
- identify
- identity
- ideological
- ideology
- idiom
- idiomatic
- idiosyncrasy
- idol
- idolatry, idol-worship
- idyllic
- ignite, catch fire
- ignition
- ignition key
- illegal
- illegible
- illegitimacy
- illegitimate
- illegitimate (child)
- illiteracy
- illiterate
- illusion
- illustrate
- illustration
- illustrator
- imagination
- imagination, fantasy
- imagination, fantasy (creative imagination)
- immanent, inherent, instrinsic
- immaterial
- immigrant worker
- immune
- immunity
- immunize
- impassable
- impeach
- impeach: removal from office
- impeachable
- impeachment
- imperative
- imperfect
- imperial
- imperialism
- imperialist
- imperialististic
- importation
- impotence
- impressionism
- impressionist
- impromptu (noun)
- improvisation
- improvise
- improvised, improvisational
- impulsive
- in a pig-tail
- in cash
- in folio
- in heat
- in my opinion
- in parts, in harmony, polyphonic
- in perspective
- in self-defense
- inactive
- inaugurate, install
- inaugurate: oath of office
- inaugurate: taking of office
- inaugurateation
- incarnation
- incendiary bomb
- incense cone
- incentive
- incinerator
- incisor
- income
- income tax
- incompatible
- incontinence
- incorporate
- incorporate (vi)
- incorporation
- incubate
- incubation
- incubator
- incumbent
- indecl
- indeclinable
- indeclinable word
- independence
- independent
- independent: autonomous
- independent: self-determination
- independent: separatist
- index of prohibited books
- India
- Indian
- Indian summer
- Indian, Native American
- indict
- indictment
- indigestion, poor digestion
- indigo
- indigo (indigo blue)
- indirect
- indirect discourse
- indirect question
- indirect tax (such as sales tax)
- individual (adj.)
- individual (adj.) (noun)
- individualism
- individualistic
- individuality
- individuality, (unique) personality
- individually
- Indo-European languages
- Indo-European, Aryan
- indoor
- indoors
- indorse
- induction
- indulgence
- industrial
- industrial age
- industrialism
- industrialist
- industrialization
- industrialize
- industry
- industry: dairy industry
- inertia
- infallible
- inferiority complex
- infidel
- infinite series
- infinitesimal
- inflammatory, causing inflammation
- inflate (or pump up) tires
- inflation
- inflect
- inflection
- influence
- influence (vt)
- influential
- informal
- information
- information office
- information technology, computer science
- ingot
- ingredient
- inhalation
- inheritance tax
- initiation
- initiative
- injuction: temporary injuction
- ink
- ink blot
- inlaid
- inn
- inner courtyard, quad
- inner tube
- inning
- innkeeper
- innovation
- inorganic
- inorganic chemistry
- input
- inquest
- insane asylum
- insect
- insecticide
- insoluble
- insolvency
- insolvent
- insomnia
- insomnia, sleeplessness
- inspector
- inspiration
- instal(l)ment
- install
- installation
- installation: military installation
- installment
- instant (adj.)
- instant coffee
- instep
- instinct
- instructions, directions for use (of machine, appliance)
- instrument (musical)
- insulate
- insulation
- insulator
- insulin
- insurance
- insurance company
- insurance policy
- insure
- insured
- integer
- integral calculus
- integrate
- integrate (people)
- integrated
- integration
- integration (racial)
- intelligence
- intelligence quotient, IQ
- intelligentsia
- intensity
- intent (to commit murder)
- intentionally, on purpose
- interaction
- interchange (highway)
- interdependence
- interest
- interest (financial)
- interest (noun) (subjective)
- interest (noun) (subjective) (objective)
- interest (verb) (subjective)
- interest (verb) (subjective) (objective)
- interested
- interesting
- interference
- interjection
- interlinear
- interlinear translation
- interlude (during play)
- intermezzo, interlude
- intermission
- intern
- internal combustion engine
- internal contradiction
- internal medicine specialist
- internation law
- international
- international phone call
- Internet
- Internet (adj.)
- Internet site
- interplanetary
- interpolation
- interracial
- interregnum
- intersection, crossroads
- interstellar
- interval
- interview
- interview (noun)
- interview (verb)
- interview (vt)
- interviewer
- intestinal
- intestinal inflammation, dysentery
- intestinal worm
- intestinals
- intestine
- intolerance
- intonation
- intoxicant
- intoxicating beverage
- intramural
- intravenous injection or feeding, IV
- introduce
- introduce (one person to another)
- introduction
- introversion
- intuitive
- invalidity, nullity
- inventory
- inventory (list of stock)
- inventory (stock)
- inventory (vt)
- invertebrate
- invest
- invest (money)
- investment
- investor
- invisible ink
- invitation (written)
- invoice
- iodine
- ion
- ionization
- ionize
- ionosphere
- irascable
- Ireland
- Irish
- iron
- iron (for ironing)
- iron (vt)
- iron curtain
- iron ore
- iron, press (clothes) vb
- iron-working
- iron-works, steel-works
- ironic(al)
- irony
- irrational
- irrational (number)
- irrational number
- irrational root
- irrationalism
- irrationality
- irregular
- irregular verb
- irregularity
- irrevocable
- iscosceles triangle
- isolation
- isosceles
- isotope
- Israel
- Israelite
- issue
- it takes 15 minutes walking
- it's 20° below zero
- Italian cuisine
- italicize
- italics
- italics (typefont)
- italics, cursive script
- itching
- itemize
- it’s delicious
- It’s very kind of you
- I’d like to ask you
- I’m 20 years old
- I’m fine
- I’m free from 3 to 4
- I’m not sure
- I’m sorry, excuse me, forgive me
- j
- jack
- jack up
- jack, knave
- jack-o'-lantern
- jack-of-all trades
- jack-of-all-trades
- jackal
- jackass
- jacket, coat: cape
- jacket, coat: cloak
- jacket, coat: coat
- jacket, coat: heavy jacket
- jacket, coat: jacket
- jacket, coat: overcoat
- jacket, coat: ski jacket
- jacket, coat: sport coat
- jacket, coat: windbreaker
- jackpot
- jai alai, pelota
- jam (fruit)
- Jamaican
- janissary
- janitor
- jar (air-tight for preserving)
- jargon
- jaundice
- jaw, lower
- jazz
- jazz band
- jazz musician
- jeans
- jeans: denim
- jeep
- jello
- jelly, gelatin
- jellyfish
- jersey (team sweatshirt)
- Jesuit
- Jesuit (adj.)
- jet
- jet propelled
- Jew
- jewel
- jewel, gem
- jeweler
- jewelry
- jewelry: bracelet
- jewelry: broach, brooch
- jewelry: carat
- jewelry: earrings
- jewelry: locket
- jewelry: necklace
- jewelry: pearl
- jewelry: pendant
- jewelry: pin (attached to clothes as ornament)
- Jewish
- job
- job offer
- jobber, wholesaler
- jobbery
- jobless
- jockey
- jockey (vi)
- jogging, running
- jogging, running for exercise
- joint
- joint-stock company
- joist
- joker (cards)
- joule
- journal
- journalism
- journalist
- joust, tournament (of knights)
- jubilee
- Judaism
- judges (in athletic competation)
- judicial investigation
- judicial, procedural
- judo
- juggle
- juggler
- juice
- juicy
- juke-box, musical slot-machine
- jukebox
- junction
- junction, turn-off
- jungle
- juniper
- junk
- junk room
- jurisdiction, competence
- jurisprudence
- juror
- jury
- jury: grand jury
- jury: pack jury
- Kaaba
- kale
- kaleidoscope
- kangaroo
- karate
- Kassenprüfer
- keenness of sight, vision
- keep
- keep an appointmentment
- keep books
- keep time
- keepsake
- keg
- kennel
- kermis (patron saint's feast day)
- kettle
- kettledrum,
- kettledrum, timpani
- key
- key (musical instrument, typewriter)
- key (system of related notes based on keynote, as 'key of A')
- key (to code)
- key (typewriter, computer)
- key-ring
- key: passkey
- keyboard
- keyhole
- keynote
- Khan
- kid glove
- kidnap (verb)
- kidnapper, abductor
- kidnapping, abduction
- kidney bean
- kilogram
- kilogramm
- kilometer
- kilometers per hour
- kilowatt
- kilt
- kimono
- kindergarten
- king (checkers)
- king of hearts
- kingfisher
- kiosk, newstand
- kiss on the cheek
- kit
- kitchen
- kitchen garden, vegetable garden
- kitchen towel
- kite
- kitten
- kiwi
- kleptomania
- knackwurst
- knee
- knee-bend
- knee-deep
- kneecap
- knife (surgical), scalpel
- knife blade
- knife point
- knight (chess piece)
- knight's move (in chess)
- knitting, crocheting
- knob
- knock out (in boxing)
- knock-kneed
- knock-knees
- know Latin
- kohlrabi
- Koran
- kosher
- label
- label (vt)
- label, tag
- label, ticket
- labor pains
- labor union
- labor, childbirth
- laboratory
- laboratory animal
- lace
- lack of appetite
- lack of time
- lacquer
- lacquer (vt)
- lactic acid
- lactose
- ladder
- ladle, dipper, scoop
- ladybug
- lagoon
- laid off, dismissed adj
- lamb
- laminate
- lamp
- lamp (electric)
- lamp: wall lamp
- lampoon
- lampoon (vt)
- lamppost
- lamprey
- lampshade
- land (of airplane)
- land (vb)
- land -
- land register, deeds office
- land surveying
- landing
- landing craft
- landlady
- landlord
- landscape
- landscape (a painting of landscape)
- landscape gardener
- landscape painter
- landscape painting (generally)
- landslide
- lane
- language
- language lab
- lantern
- lap
- lap (in race), round (in wrestling)
- lapdog, small dog
- larch
- lard
- lard (vt)
- large audience
- large intestinal
- large octavo
- lark
- laryngitis, loss of voice
- larynx
- laser
- laser printer
- lasso
- Last Judgment
- last name
- last name, family name
- last night
- Last Supper
- last three days before Lent
- last year
- late (placed after name of someone recently deceased)
- lathe
- lather
- lather (vi)
- lather (vt)
- Latin
- Latin scholar
- latitude
- latrine
- lattice
- lauch pad
- laughing gas
- launch
- launching
- launching pad
- launder
- laundress
- laundromat
- laundromat, cleaner’s
- laundry
- laundry basket
- laundry, dirty
- lava
- lavatory
- lavender
- law
- law degree, J.D.
- law of nations
- law school
- law-breaker
- lawn
- lawn, grass
- lawn-mover
- lawsuit
- lawyer at law
- lawyer, attorney
- lawyer: defense attorney
- lawyer: in-house corporate lawyer
- laxative
- lay an egg
- lay brother
- lay-offs, staff reduction
- laying on of hands (in ordination ceremony)
- layman
- lead poisoning
- lead-free gasoline
- leading lady, leading man
- leading question
- leaf
- leaflet
- leaflet, handbill, flyer, pamphlet
- leaflet, pamphlet
- leap year
- learn English
- lease
- lease, rental agreement
- leash
- leash (vt)
- leather
- leather (adj.)
- leather-bound
- lecherousness, horniness
- lecture
- lecture on
- lecturer
- ledge
- ledger
- leech
- leek
- left-handed
- leftovers
- leg
- legal expert
- legible
- legislative, parliamentary
- legislator, lawmaker, assemblyman, elected representative, congressman, deputy, member of legislature
- legislature, parliament, house of deputies, legislative assembly, diet
- legislature: Estates-General (as in early modern Holland or France)
- legislature: general assembly
- legislature: house of commons, lower house
- legislature: house of parliament (building)
- lemonade
- lens
- lens (of the eye)
- Lent
- lentil
- leopard
- leper
- leprosy
- leprous
- lesbian
- lessee
- lessor
- letter
- letter (short), note
- letter capital -
- letter carrier
- letter of condolence
- letter of recommendation
- letter of reference
- letter opener
- letterhead
- lettuce
- leukemia
- Levant
- levee
- lever
- leviathan
- lexicographer, maker of dictionaries
- lexicological
- liability: limited liability
- liaison officer
- liberal arts
- liberal: conservative
- liberal: extremist
- liberal: innovator, reformer
- liberal: labor party
- liberal: left
- liberal: liberal
- liberal: liberalism
- liberal: progressive
- liberal: radical (pol)
- liberal: radicalism
- liberal: reactionary
- liberal: reactionary position in politics, extreme conservatism
- liberal: republican
- liberal: right-wing
- liberal: right-wing party
- liberal: social democrat (noun)
- liberal: socialist
- liberal: ultraconservative
- liberalist
- libretto
- license plate
- license plate (US), number plate (Br.)
- license plate number
- lichen
- licorice
- lid, cap (of container)
- lie
- lieutenant
- lieutenant-colonel
- lieutenant-commander
- lieutenant: first lieutenant
- lieutenant: second lieutenant
- life buoy, life belt
- life insurance
- life jacket
- life preserver
- lifeboat
- lifeboat, life raft
- lifeguard
- lifeguard, pool attendant
- lifestyle
- ligament
- light (electric)
- light bulb
- light is on
- light meter
- light switch
- light year
- light: fluorescent tube
- light: headlight
- lighter (cigarette)
- lighthouse
- lightning
- lightning bolt
- lightning conductor or rod
- ligths: tail lights, rear lights
- lilac
- lilly
- lily
- lily of the valley
- Lima bean
- lime
- limestone
- limited partnership (with limited liability)
- limousine
- limousine, sedan
- linden
- line (a garment)
- line (of people waiting)
- line, stand in
- line, stand in, queue up
- linen
- linen (adj.)
- liner
- liner, lining
- linguist
- linguistic
- linguistics
- lining
- link
- linoleum
- linseed
- linseed oil
- lipstick
- liqudation
- liqueur
- liquidate, go out of business
- liquidity (ready convertibility of assets into cash)
- liquor (hard), distilled alcoholic drink, alcoholic drinks other than beer or wine
- liquorice
- lira
- list price
- litany (reponsive prayer)
- liter
- literal meaning
- literary genre
- literary history
- lithograph
- lithographer
- lithography
- litmus paper
- litter
- Little Dipper
- little finger
- live broadcast
- live in the attic
- liver
- liver spot
- living room
- lizard
- loaf
- loan
- loan (noun)
- loan shark
- lobby
- lobbyist
- lobbyist: pressure group, lobbying group
- lobe
- lobster
- local
- local call
- local road
- local street
- local time
- lock
- lock (in canal), sluice
- lock (verb)
- lock-out (of workers by management)
- locker
- locker room, dressing room, changing room
- lockout
- locksmith
- locksmith's shop, metal-working shop
- locomotive
- locust
- loft
- log
- log cabin
- logarithm
- logger
- loggia, (upper) gallery or covered balcony
- loincloth
- Lollard
- loner
- long hair
- long-distance call
- long-distance race
- long-distance runner
- long-haired, wearing one’s hair long
- long-lived
- long-sleeved
- longevity
- longhand
- longitude
- longitudinal
- longshoreman, stevedore
- look-out tower
- lookout
- loom
- loop
- loophole
- Lord’s Prayer
- lorgnette
- lose (a game or competation)
- lose case by default
- lose weight
- lost and found office
- lot
- lotion
- lotion, facial cream
- lottery
- lottery ticket
- lottery, raffle
- loudspeaker
- lounge
- louse
- Louvre
- low atmospheric pressure
- low frequency
- low tide
- low-calorie, diet adj
- low-fat (adj.)
- low-pressure
- low-voltage current
- lozenge
- lozenge or diamond shaped
- lubricant
- lubricate, grease
- lubricating
- lubrification
- lucid interval
- luggage rack or net
- luggage, baggage
- lullaby
- lumberjack
- lumberyard
- lunar eclipse
- lunar rover
- lunch
- lung
- lure
- lute
- lye, soapy water
- lying-in
- lying-in hospital
- lymph
- lymph node or gland
- lymphatic
- lymphatic vessel
- lynch
- lynching
- lynx
- macaroni
- macaronic (Latin)
- macaroon
- macaroon (sort of cookie)
- maccaroni
- mace
- Machiavellianism
- machine
- machine (political)
- machine shop
- machine tools
- machine-gun fire
- machinery
- machinist
- mackerel
- macrobiotic
- macrocosm
- made
- madhouse
- madrigal
- magazine
- magazine, journal, periodical
- maggot
- magic
- magic, occult practices
- magical
- magician
- magician, person involved in the occult
- magnesia
- magnet
- magnetic
- magnetic field
- magnetism
- magnetism, magnetic force
- magnetize
- magnifying glass
- mahjong
- mahogany
- mail
- mail (US), post (Br.)
- mail carrier
- mail delivery
- mailbox
- mailman
- mailman, mail deliverer
- mailman, postman
- main
- main course
- main dish
- main point or question
- major (mil.)
- major adj
- major in, specialize in
- major key
- major world powers
- major, specialization
- major, specialize
- majority
- make a basket
- make an appointmentment
- make bed
- make complaint
- make dinner
- make down-payment, deposit or (first) installment
- make goal, score touchdown
- make the sign of the cross
- malaria
- male genitals
- male public hair
- malpractice
- mammal
- mammals
- man-of-war
- management
- management (activity)
- management (people)
- management, direction
- manager
- manager of division, department head
- manager, director, executive
- mandarin
- mandolin
- mandrake
- manganese
- mango
- Manhattan
- Manhattan (adj.)
- manicure
- manicure (vt)
- manicurist
- manikin
- manioc, cassava, yuca (source of tapioca)
- manipulate (someone)
- manna
- mannekin, dummy, anatomical model
- manslaughter
- mantel
- manual
- manual labor
- manual transmission
- manual, handbook
- manufacture
- manufacture (vt)
- manufacturer
- manufacturer, producer
- manure heap, compost pile
- manuscript
- map
- map (vt)
- map: to scale
- maple
- maquis
- marathon
- marble
- marbles
- margarine
- marginal note
- marigold
- marijuana
- marina
- marinade
- marinade (sauce for marinating)
- marinate
- marinate, pickle
- marine biologist
- marines
- marionette
- marjoram
- mark
- mark and half
- mark, German
- markdown
- market
- market day
- market price
- marketplace
- marl
- marmalade
- marmot
- marquee
- marquis
- marquise
- marrow
- marshal
- marshal (mil.)
- mart
- marten
- Marxism
- Marxist (adj.)
- Marxist (subst.)
- marzipan
- mascara
- mascot
- mashed potatoes
- masked ball
- masochism
- mason
- mason, bricklayer
- masonry
- masquerade
- masquerader
- mass
- mass communication
- mass media
- mass production
- massage
- massage (noun)
- massage (verb)
- massage parlor
- masseur
- master bedroom
- master key
- master of ceremonies
- master of ceremonies, emcee
- master's degree
- masterpiece
- masturbation
- mat
- matador, toreador
- match
- matchbox
- mate, ship's
- material
- material (noun)
- material (noun) (adj.)
- material, physical
- materialism
- materialist
- materialistic
- maternal hospital
- maternity dress
- maternity hospital or clinic
- math(ematics)
- mathematic
- mathematician
- matinee
- matinée
- matriarchy
- mattress
- mattress: air mattress
- Maunday Thursday
- Maundy Thursday
- may I introduce Julius to you?
- mayonnaise
- mayor
- maypole
- Ma’am, Ms.
- McDonald’s
- meal (good or lavish)
- measuring stick, meter rule, tape measure
- meat-grinder
- meatball
- meatloaf, pâté
- mechanic
- mechanical
- mechanical engineer
- mechanics
- mechanization
- mechanize
- medal
- medal, medallion
- medallion
- median
- median (of divided highway)
- median (value)
- mediator
- medical degree, M.D.
- medical exam, check-up
- medical examination
- medical history
- medical insurance
- medical lab
- medical school
- medical tampon, cotton plug
- medicinal herb
- medicinal springs
- medicine chest
- medicine man, witch doctor
- medicine, drug
- medieval
- medley
- meeting (by chance)
- meeting (by chance) (arranged)
- meeting, conference, session
- megahertz
- megalomania, delusions of grandeur
- megalopolis, large urban area
- megalopolis, large urban area (adj.)
- megaphone
- megawatt
- meiosis
- melancholy, dejection, despondency
- melodrama
- melodramatic
- melon
- melon: cantaloupe, muskmelon
- melon: watermelon
- melted cheese
- melting point
- member
- membrane
- memo
- memo(randum)
- memoirs
- memoirs, papers
- memorandum
- memorandum book
- memory
- meningitis
- menopause, change of life
- menstruation
- mental disease
- mental institution, mental hospital
- mental retardation, imbecillity
- mentality
- menthol
- menu
- mercantilism
- merchant marine
- mercury
- mercury, quicksilver
- meridian
- mermaid
- Merry Christmas
- merry-go-round, carousel
- mesmerize
- Messiah
- Messianic
- messianism
- metabolism
- metal
- metallic
- metallurgical
- metallurgy
- metaphor
- metaphoric
- metaphorical
- metaphysical
- metaphysics
- meteor
- meteorite
- meteorology
- meter
- meter (measuring use of electricity)
- meter reader
- meter stick
- methane
- method
- methodology
- metonymy
- metric system
- metric ton
- metrics
- metronome
- metropolis
- metropolitan
- metropolitan area
- mezzo-soprano
- mica
- micro-climate
- microbiological
- microbiologist
- microcosm
- microfiche
- microfilm
- micron, short vowel sign
- microphone
- microprocessor
- microscope
- microscopic
- Middle Ages
- middle finger
- middle school, junior high school
- midget, pygmy
- midwife
- migration
- migration of birds
- migratory bird, bird of passage
- milennarian
- militarism
- military engineer, sapper
- military service
- militia
- milk tooth
- milking machine
- Milky Way
- mill (building)
- mill (powered by water)
- milligram
- millimeter
- million
- millionaire
- millipede
- millstone
- mimic (vb)
- mimosa
- minaret
- mince
- mincemeat
- mine
- mine (adj.)
- mine (vb), prospect
- mine, land-mine
- miner
- mineral
- mineral (adj.)
- mineral (noun)
- mineral springs
- mineral water
- mineralogical
- mineralogy
- mini-skirt
- miniature
- minimum wage
- mining engineer
- minister of agriculture
- minister of commerce (or trade)
- minister of cultural affairs
- minister of finance, secretary of the treasury (US)
- minister of foreign affairs, secretary of state (US)
- minister of health
- minister of justice, attorney-general
- minister of labor and social affairs
- minister of the interior
- minister of war, secretary of defense
- minister or pastor (Protestant)
- minister, secretary (of government ministry or department)
- minister: parson
- minister: pastor
- minister: prime minister
- ministerial
- ministry (or department) of the interior
- ministry, department (of executive branch of government)
- minor (adj.)
- minor key
- minor, under age
- minor: majority (legal age)
- minority
- minority (racial or ethnic)
- minority (under-age status)
- minsiter: vicar (eccl.)
- minstrel
- mint
- minting
- minuet
- minus sign
- minute
- minutes (of meeting), records, report
- mirage
- misanthropy
- miscarriage
- miscarry
- miscegenation, racial mixing
- miscellany, collection of miscellaneous writings
- misch-mash
- misogynist
- misprint
- miss classes, have poor attendance
- missal
- missile
- missile range
- missile, projectile
- missile: guided missile
- mission, missionary post
- missionary
- mistake (in writing), slip of the pen
- misteltoe
- mistletoe
- mistress
- mite
- miter
- mixed doubles
- mixed-race, mulatto, mestizo, half-caste, half-breed
- mnemonics, art of memory
- moat
- mob
- moccasin
- mocha
- model
- model (fashion)
- moderator
- modern
- Modern Greek
- Modern Hebrew
- Modern Latin (adj.)
- modernism (artistic movement)
- modernistic
- modernity
- modernize
- module
- molasses
- molecular
- molecular biology
- molecule
- mollusk
- mollusks
- Molotov cocktail
- moment, instant, very short length of time
- monarch
- monarchical
- monarchist
- monarchy
- monastery
- monastery: nunnery
- monastic
- monasticism, cloistered life
- monetary
- money belt
- money order
- money-changer
- Mongol
- Mongolia
- Mongolian
- mongrel
- monitor (tv, computer)
- monk
- monogram, initials
- monograph
- monologue
- monologue, soliloquy
- monopolist
- monopolize
- monopoly
- monotonous
- monotony
- monsoon
- monstrance
- monthly journal or magazine
- moon
- moonlight
- moons of Jupiter
- Moor
- Moorish
- mop
- mop (vi)
- moped (bike with motor)
- moral (of story)
- morel (mushroom)
- morgue
- morning: this morning
- morphine
- morphologic
- morphology
- Morse code
- mortadella
- mortal sin
- mortar
- mortgage
- mortgage (vt)
- mortgage bond
- mortgage, incumbrance
- mortgagee
- mortician
- mortuary
- mosaic
- mosque
- mosquito
- mosquito net
- mosquito, gnat
- mosquitonet
- most-favored-nation clause
- motel
- motet
- moth
- mother superior
- mother tongue
- Mother's Day
- mother-of-pearl
- motion picture
- motivation
- motive
- motley
- motor
- motor scooter
- motor scooterer
- motor vehicle
- motor, engine
- motorbike
- motorboat
- motorboat, speedboat
- motorcade
- motorcycle
- motto, slogan
- Mount Everest
- mountain ash, rowan
- mountain bike
- mountain-climbing rope
- mountain-climbing, hiking
- mountaineer, mountain-climber, hiker
- mourning
- mouse (computer)
- moustache
- mouthpiece
- mouthwash
- move (a playing piece, checker)
- move (a playing piece, checker) (noun)
- move (to new home)
- movie camera
- movie director
- movie studio
- movie theater, cinema
- movie, film
- movie, film (adj)
- mow or cut (lawn)
- mow the lawn
- Mozarab
- mucous membrane
- mud flat
- muezzin
- muff
- muffler (US), silencer (Br.)
- mufti
- multicipland
- multicolored
- multilateral
- multiplication table
- multiplier
- mummy
- mural
- mural (painting)
- murder
- murder by hired killer
- muscatel
- muscle
- muscular
- museum
- mush
- mushroom (edible)
- mushroom, toadstool
- mushroom, toadstool (edible mushroom)
- music (abstract)
- music (abstract) (concrete)
- music lover
- music lover (obsessive)
- music theory
- musicologist
- musicology
- musk
- Muslim, Moslem (subst.)
- Muslim, Moslem, Islmaic (adj.)
- Muslim: Islam
- muslin
- mussel
- mustang
- mustang (wild horse)
- mustard
- mustard plaster
- mute, deaden (sound)
- mutineer
- mutineer vi
- mutinous
- mutiny
- muzzle
- muzzle (vi)
- my name is Jim
- myopia
- myopic
- myrrh
- mysticism
- myth
- nadir
- nail
- nail clippers
- nail head
- nail polish
- nameplate
- nanny, au pair
- nap
- nap (vi)
- naphthalene
- nappies
- narcissism
- narcotic
- narcotic (adj.)
- narcotic, (addictive or mind-altering or recreational) drug
- nasal septum
- nasalization
- nation
- nation, state, country
- national
- national anthem
- national security
- nationalism
- nationality
- native
- native: aborigine
- natives
- natural
- natural gas
- natural law
- natural reserve
- natural science
- naturalist
- naturalization
- naturalize
- nausea: airsickness
- nausea: seasickness
- naval commander
- naval supremacy
- nave
- navigation (as skill or area of knowledge)
- navy
- navy bean
- navy yard
- navy: sailor, member of navy
- Nazi (noun)
- Nazism
- near-sighted
- near-sighted person
- near-sightedness
- neck (of string instrument)
- necklace: pearl necklace, string of pearls
- necromancy
- nectar
- needle: eye of needle
- needlework
- negative
- negative number
- negotiator, (peace) envoy
- Negro
- negro spiritual
- neighborhood
- neologism
- neon sign, illuminated sign
- neon tube
- nepotism
- nervous break-down
- nervous breakdown
- nervous exhaustion
- nervous system
- net income
- net weight
- Netherlands
- netting, network
- neurological
- neurology
- neurosis
- neurotic
- neutral
- neutral (gear)
- neutrality
- neutralize
- neutron
- New Testament
- New Year
- New Year's Day
- New Year's Eve
- New Year's gift
- newlywed
- news
- news agency
- news broadcast
- news photographer, photo-journalist
- newsboy
- newscast
- newscaster
- newsman
- newspaper
- newspaper deliverer, newspaper boy
- newspaper editor
- newsstand
- newstand, newspaper stand or kiosk
- Newtonian
- next year
- ni; blind alley
- niche
- nickel
- nickel-plate
- nickname
- nicotine
- night club
- night club, night spot
- night owl
- night school, evening classes
- night-blind
- night-blindness
- nightcap
- nightclub
- nightingale
- nightmare
- nightshirt
- nightstand, bedside table
- nihilism
- nihilist
- nirvana
- niter
- nitrogen
- nitroglycerin
- nitrous
- Nobel Prize
- nobility
- noble
- nocturnal emission
- noisy
- nomad
- nomadic
- nomenclature
- nominalist
- nominative
- nominee
- non-agression pact
- non-binding
- non-commissioned officer, sargent
- non-conformism, non-conformity
- non-payment
- non-smoker
- nonaggression
- nonaggression pact
- nonconformist
- nonconformist (religion)
- noodle
- noose
- North Pole
- North Star
- northeast (adj.)
- northern lights
- northwest (adj.)
- nose, wipe
- nose, wrinkle or turn up
- nosebleed
- nostalgia
- nostalgic
- notarized copy, copy authenticated by witness
- notary (public)
- notched
- note (written)
- notebook
- notepad
- notes (for class)
- nougat (sort of candy)
- noumenon, purely intellectual object
- noun
- novel
- novelist
- novelist, story-writer
- nozzle
- nuclear
- nuclear bomb, atom(ic) bomb
- nuclear fallout
- nuclear family
- nuclear fission
- nuclear physics
- nuclear power
- nuclear power plant
- nuclear reactor
- nuclear submarine
- nuclear war
- nuclear waste
- nuclear weapons
- nuclear, atomic
- nuclear: conventional weapons
- nuclear: hydrogen bomb
- nuclear: mushroom cloud
- nucleus of cell
- nudism
- numbness
- numeral
- numeral: word for number
- numerator
- numerical
- numismatics
- nun
- nuncio
- nur ein Bruchteil
- nurse
- nursing home (for elderly), old folks' home, rest home
- nut
- nut (used with bolt)
- nut: almond
- nut: cashew
- nut: chestnut (fruit and tree)
- nut: coconut
- nut: coconut palm
- nut: hazelnut
- nut: horse chesnut
- nut: peanut
- nut: pistachio
- nut: walnut
- nutcracker
- nutmeg
- nylon
- nylon (adj.)
- nymphomania
- oasis
- oatmeal
- obesity
- obituary
- objection (in court)
- objective reality
- objectivity
- obligatory, compulsory
- oboe
- observatory (astronomical)
- observatory (astronomy)
- obsession
- obsession, (mono)mania, idée fixe
- obsessive or compulsive idea
- obsidian
- obstacle race
- obstetetric
- obviousness
- octave
- Octoberfest
- odd number
- odometer
- of customs, duties
- of money-changing
- off season (tourism)
- off-line
- off-print
- offensive weapons
- offer and demand
- offer, tender, bid
- office
- office furniture
- officer
- official (adj.)
- official (subst.) (government or administrative official)
- ohm
- oil
- oil burner
- oil filter
- oil heating
- oil paint
- oil painting
- oil press
- oil refinery
- oil stove or heater
- oil well
- oilcloth
- Old High German
- old-age insurance, social security
- old-fashioned
- oligarchical
- oligarchy
- olive oil
- Olympic champion
- Olympic Committee
- Olympic Games, Olympics
- Olympic stadium
- Olympics
- omelet
- omelette
- omnibus
- omnipresence, ubiquity
- on file
- on one's knees
- on parole
- on salary
- on sale
- on the average
- on the back of the page
- on the bookss
- on the eve
- on the first floor
- on-line
- one taking such an exam, Abiturient
- one times one is one
- one who demonstrates an exercise
- one who has earned doctorate
- one-way street
- one-way ticket
- onion
- onion skin
- onion soup
- ontological
- ontology
- open the door to
- open: be open (store, office)
- opera
- opera (musical drama)
- opera glass
- opera glasses
- opera house
- operate by remote control
- operetta
- ophthalmological
- ophthalmologist, eye-doctor
- ophthalmologist, oculist
- ophthalmology
- opiate
- opium
- opponent (political)
- opportunism
- opportunist
- optic nerve
- optical
- optical illusion
- optician
- optimism
- oral
- oral examination
- orange
- orangeade
- orangutan
- orangutang
- oratorio
- orbit
- orbit (noun)
- orchestra
- orchestra member
- orchestral
- orchestral concert
- orchid
- order (noun)
- ordinal
- organ
- organ builder
- organ music
- organ pipe
- organ transplant
- organic
- organicism
- organist
- organization
- organization (abstr.)
- organized
- organized crime: Mafia
- organized crime: Mafia (adj.)
- organizer
- organizer, promoter
- original
- original (text)
- original inhabitant, aborigine
- original sin
- oriole
- ornithology
- orphan asylum
- orphanage
- orthodoxy
- orthopedic
- orthopedics
- osmosis
- osmotic
- ostracism
- ostrich
- out of range (of fire)
- out of tune
- out-of-fashion
- outdoor (adj)
- outdoors
- outer space
- outlaw
- outlaw (vb)
- outline
- outline (vt)
- outline, sketch
- outstanding debts, arrears
- oval
- ovary
- ovation
- oven
- oven, stove, furnace, heater
- oven-proof dish
- oven: microwave oven
- overalls
- overexpose (photo)
- overexposure
- overhaul the motor
- overhaul, repair
- overhear, eavesdrop
- overpass
- overpopulation
- overseas
- overseer, taskmaster
- overtime
- overtone
- overture
- owner
- oxidation
- oxidize
- oxygen
- oxygen deficiency
- oxygen mask
- oxygen tent
- ozone
- ozone layer
- pace-maker
- pace-setter
- pacemaker
- Pacific Ocean
- pacifier
- pacifist
- pack
- pack (of dogs)
- pack of hounds
- pack saddle
- package
- package (vt)
- package, bundle
- package, packing
- packet
- packet boat
- packing paper
- packsaddle
- pad
- pad (cushion)
- pad (vt)
- padding
- paddle
- paddle (vt)
- paddleboat
- padlock
- padlock, safety-lock, Yale lock, lock for locker
- paella (Spanish rice dish)
- paelographic
- paganism, heathenism
- page proof, galley proof
- page, at bottom of
- pagination
- pagoda
- pain reliever
- painkiller
- paint in fresco
- paintbrush
- painted in grisaille
- painting
- palace
- paladin, count or earl palatine
- palate, soft, velum
- paleographical
- paleography
- paleontologist
- paleontology
- palette
- palfrey
- palindrome
- pallbearer
- palm
- Palm Sunday
- palmist
- palmist ry
- pamphlet
- pan
- pan: frying pan, skillet
- pan: pot, saucepan, casserole
- pan: pots and pans, cookery
- pancake
- pancake, fritter, doughnut
- pancreas
- panel
- panel (vt)
- paneled ceiling
- paneling
- panelist
- panic
- pannier
- panorama
- panoramic
- pansy
- pantheism
- pantheist(ic)
- pantomime
- pantry, larder
- pants, trousers
- pap
- paper
- paper (adj.)
- paper clip
- paper factory, paper mill
- paper money
- paper money, bill
- paper pad
- paper: wrapping paper
- paperback
- paperback, broché (Fr.)
- paperback: cf. small book, livre de poche (Fr.), libro de bolsillo (Sp.)
- paperboy
- papier-mâché
- paprika
- papyrus
- papyrus book
- parable
- parachute
- parade
- parade (vi)
- parade (vt)
- parade, procession
- paradox
- paradoxical
- paragraph
- parallel (line)
- parallel (line) (fig.)
- parallelism
- parallelogram
- paralysis
- paralysis on one side
- paralysis: paraplegia (paralysis of both legs)
- paralytic
- paralyze
- paralyzed
- parameter
- parapet
- paraphrase
- paraphrase (vt)
- paraphrastic
- parapsychology
- paratrooper
- parcel, package
- parchment
- parchment book
- parchment, vellum
- parentheses ( )
- parenthesis
- parenthetic(al)
- parenthetical comment
- parish
- parish priest
- parishioner
- park
- park (car)
- park (vi)
- park: playground
- park: see-saw
- park: swing (in playground)
- parking
- parking fee
- parking lot
- parking meter
- Parkinson’s disease
- parkway
- parlor
- Parmesan cheese
- parochial
- parody
- parody (vb)
- parody (vt)
- parole (legal)
- parole (legal) (vt)
- parrot
- parrot (vt)
- parse
- parsley
- parsnip
- parsonage
- part-time
- parterre, orchestra (US), pit (Br.)
- parthenogensis
- particle
- partier, viveur, lush
- parties to contract
- partition
- partner
- partnership
- partridge
- parts of speech
- party
- party (political)
- party (wild)
- party line
- party man
- party: bipartisan
- party: give a party
- party: nonpartisan
- party: opponent, opposing party (in lawsuit)
- party: splinter party
- pass
- pass (forego one's turn at playing)
- pass (on road)
- pass (teacher as subj.)
- pass (teacher as subj.) (student as subj.)
- pass an examination
- pass test
- passageway
- passenger
- passenger car (opp. to freight car)
- passing lane
- passion flower
- Passover
- passport
- passport check
- passport: safe-conduct
- password
- pasta
- pasta, noodles
- pasta, noodles (adj.)
- pasteboard
- pastel
- pastel (art of drawing with pastels)
- pastry
- pastry cook
- pastry shop
- pastry shop, patisserie, candy store
- pastry, bun, cookie
- patch
- patch (bandage)
- patch (vt)
- patent
- patent (vt)
- patented
- pathological
- pathology
- patient
- patina (film or coating on old metals)
- patio
- patois
- patriot
- patriotic
- patriotism
- patrol
- patrol vi
- patrol vt
- patrolman
- pattern
- pave, cobble
- pavilion
- pavillion
- paving stone, cobblestone
- pawn
- pawn (chess)
- pawn (vt)
- pawn shop
- pawnbroker
- pawnshop
- pay
- pay cash
- pay in installments
- pay off loan
- pay phone
- pay the bill
- payee of bill
- payment in installments
- payment of duty
- peace pipe
- peach
- peacock
- peahen
- peanut
- peat
- peat bog
- pedagogy
- pedal
- pedant
- pedantry
- pederasty
- pedestrian
- pediatrician
- pediatrics
- peel, skin
- peep-hole, spy-hole
- peephole
- peg (of string instrument)
- pelican
- pellet
- pelt
- pelt (vt)
- pelvis
- pen
- pen name, pseudonym
- pencil
- pencil (vt)
- pencil sharpener
- pendulum
- penguin
- penis
- penknife
- penmanship
- penny
- pension
- pension (vt)
- pension, annuity
- pension: full pension, room and board
- pensioner
- pentagon
- pentathlon
- penthouse
- peony
- pepper
- pepper (green or red)
- pepper (spice)
- pepper (vt)
- pepper grinder, pepper mill
- peppermint
- peppery
- pepsin
- per cent
- percent
- percentage
- percentage fee or royalty
- percentile
- percussion instrument
- percussion instruments
- perfect
- perfectionist
- perform autopsy
- performance (of play)
- performance, staging
- perfume
- perfume (vt)
- perfume shop
- perfumed soap
- perfumer
- period
- periodic system
- periodical
- periodical, magazine
- periphrasis
- periscope
- perishable
- perishable goods
- perjury
- permanent employment, (academic) tenure
- permanent job
- permanent, perm
- permission to address an assembly, 'the floor'
- permissive
- perpendicular (line)
- person who commits suicide
- personification
- personnel
- perspective
- perversion
- pessimism
- pessimist
- pest
- pest controller, exterminator
- pesticide, insecticide
- pet
- petrifaction, petrification
- petrification, fossilization
- petrified objects or remains
- petrified remains, fossils
- petrified, fossilized
- petrify, fossilize
- petrochemical
- petroleum
- pew
- pewter
- pH value
- Ph. D.
- pharmacist
- pharmacological
- pharmacology
- pharmacy
- pharmacy (field or study)
- pharmacy, chemist's (Br.)
- phartnaceutic(al)
- pharynx
- pheasant
- phenomenology
- phenomenon
- philanderer, womanizer
- philanthropist
- philanthropy
- philologic(al)
- philological
- philologist
- philology
- phone
- phone booth
- phonetic
- phonetics
- phonograph
- phosphorescence
- phosphorescent
- phosphorus
- photocopier
- photocopy
- photocopy (noun)
- photocopy (noun) (verb)
- photocopy (vb)
- photoelectric
- photoelectric cell
- photograph
- photograph (noun), picture
- photograph (vb), take picture
- photograph (verb)
- photographer
- photographic
- photographic reprint (of book)
- photography
- photon
- phylogenetic (dealing with origin and evolution of race of plants or animals)
- phys ed
- physical education
- physical therapy
- physical therapy (adj.)
- physics
- physiological
- physiology
- physique, build
- pianist
- piano
- piano playing
- piccolo
- pickling
- pickpocket, cutpurse pickpocket, cutpurse, snath-thief, sneak-thief
- picnic
- picnic basket
- picnic, barbecue
- pictograph (as in Chinese writing system)
- picture postcard
- picture-book
- pidgin
- pie
- pie, tart, cake
- piece of meat
- pietism
- pietistic
- pigeon, carrier
- pigmentation
- pile driver
- pile of rubble
- pile-driver
- pilgrim
- pilgrimage
- pill (medical)
- pill, tablet
- pillory
- pillory (vt)
- pillow
- pillowcase
- pilot
- pilot (airplane)
- pimento
- pimple
- pimply
- pin
- pin cushion
- pin, pivot
- pincers
- pinch of snuff
- pincushion
- pine cone
- pineapple
- ping-pong
- ping-pong, table tennis
- pint
- pioneer
- pipe
- pipe (for smoking)
- pipe (plumbing)
- pipe-cleaner
- pipeline
- pirate, buccaneer, corsair
- pirate: privateer
- pirated edition or reprinting
- pirateing
- pirouette
- piston
- pitch, note (as sounded)
- pitcher
- pitcher: coffee pot
- pitcher: jug
- pitcher: teapot
- pivot
- pivot (vi)
- pivotal
- pizza
- pizzeria
- pizzicato
- placard
- place setting
- place to keep or store things
- place under arrest
- plagiarism
- plagiarist
- plagiarist, plagiarizer
- plagiarize
- plagiary
- plaid
- plaintiff
- plan
- plane
- plane (for smoothing wood)
- plane (small)
- plane tree
- plane tree (vt)
- planet
- planetary
- planned economy
- plantain
- plants (collectively), plant kingdom
- plaster
- plaster (verb)
- plaster(ing), roughcast
- plasterer
- plastic
- plastic (adj.)
- plastic bag
- plastic surgery
- plat du jour, special of the day (in restaurant)
- plate
- plate (vt)
- plateau
- plateau, tableland
- plateau, upland plain
- plated
- platform
- platform (in train station)
- platform, track (in train station)
- platinum
- play (a musical instrument)
- play (drama)
- play an arpeggio
- play at quoits
- play badminton
- play ball
- play billiards
- play checkers
- play chess
- play handball
- play hide-and-seek
- play pianist
- play soccer
- play tag
- play tennis
- play the piano
- play the trumpet
- play truant
- play, show
- playboy
- playground
- playing board (for board games)
- playing cards
- plaything
- plea (law) (subst.)
- pleaer
- pleaing
- please speak louder
- pleased to meet you
- pleated
- pleistocene
- plenary session
- plexiglas
- pliers, pincers
- pliers, tongs, pincers
- plot (of novel, story)
- plug
- plug (electric)
- plug, stopper
- plum
- plumber
- pluperfect
- pluralism
- pluralistic
- plus sign
- plutonium
- plywood
- pneumonia
- poach
- poacher
- poacher (one who take game illegal)
- pocket
- pocket calculator
- pocket money
- pockmark
- pockmarked
- poetic license
- pogrom
- point of intersection
- pointed
- pointedness (in speaking or writing), punch line
- poisoning
- poisonous, toxic
- poker
- polar
- polar circle
- polarization
- polarized
- pole
- pole vault
- polecat
- polemical
- police (collectively), police force
- police chief, police commissioner
- police office
- police officer, policeman
- police raid
- polio
- political
- political science
- politician: statesman
- politicianship
- politics
- polka
- poll tax
- poll, polling, public opinion research
- poll, polling, public opinion research (adj.)
- poll: pollster
- poll: public opinion
- pollack
- pollen
- pollinate
- pollination
- polling booth
- polls
- pollution
- polo
- polo, water
- polonaise
- polygamous
- polygamy
- polyphony
- polytheism
- polytheist
- pomade
- pomegranate
- pommel
- pontoon
- pontoon bridge
- pontoon, float on an aircraft
- poodle
- pop
- popcorn
- pope
- pope: papacy
- pope: papal
- poplin
- popular song
- population
- population control, birth control
- porcelain
- porcelain, china
- porch
- porcupine
- pore
- pork
- pork barrel
- pork chop
- pork fat, pork lard
- pornographic
- pornography
- porosity
- porpoise
- portable
- portcullis
- porter
- porter (hotel)
- porter (railway)
- portfolio
- porthole
- portrait painter
- positive
- positive (showing presence of)
- positive pole (of battery)
- positivism
- posse
- possibility
- post office
- post office window
- post restante
- post-mortem examination
- post-office box, PO box
- post-paid, post-free
- postage
- postage expenses, shipping charges
- postage paid
- postage stamp
- postal
- postal check
- postal worker, postal official
- postcard
- poster, notice
- poster, placard
- postman
- postmark
- postmaster
- postponement
- postscript
- potato
- pothouse, small alehouse
- potluck
- potluck supper
- potroast
- pottery, earthenware, ceramics
- poultry
- pound
- pound and half
- pound sterling
- poundage
- powder
- powder puff
- powdered sugar
- power line
- power of concentration
- power outage
- power transmission
- powerline
- pox: chicken pox
- pox: German measles
- pox: measles, rubeola
- pox: mumps
- pox: smallpox
- practical, applied
- practice, train
- pragmatism
- prairie
- praline
- pre-fabricated house
- preach
- preach: sermon, homily
- preacher
- preachize
- precedent (legal)
- prefab(ricated)
- prefabricate
- prefix
- pregnancy
- prehistoric
- prelate
- prelude
- premarital
- premarital sex
- premature baby
- premature birth
- premier
- premium
- première
- preparation (of food)
- preposition
- prepositional
- prerogative, privilege, priority, precedence
- prescription (medical)
- present arms
- preserve, can
- presidency
- president
- president, chair(person)
- president-elect
- presidential
- press
- press (media)
- press agent
- press button
- press conference
- pressure
- pressure (political, social, peer)
- pressure cooker
- pressure gauge
- pressurize
- prestige
- pretender to the throne
- preterit
- pretext, spurious reason
- pretzel
- prevention
- preventive
- preview
- preview, trailer
- prewar
- price list
- price reduction
- price sale -
- price tag
- price war
- priest
- priestess
- priesthood
- prima ballerina
- primary
- primary school
- primate
- prime number
- primer
- primrose
- prince
- prince consort
- princely
- princess
- principal
- principality
- principle
- print
- print, copy (of photograph)
- printer
- printer (computer)
- printer (machine)
- printing
- printing press
- printing shop, printer's
- printshop
- priority
- priory
- prism
- prismatic
- prison, penitentiary
- prison: detention center
- prison: prison escape, breaking out
- prisoner
- prisoner of war, POW
- prisoner of war: POW camp
- prisoners: exchange of prisoners
- privacy
- privacy: right of privacy
- private
- private first class
- private initiative
- private life, privacy
- private property
- private school
- private tutoring
- privy
- prizefight
- prizefightr
- probability theory
- probability, likelihood
- probation, probationary period
- probative, trial (adj.)
- probe (med.)
- problem (difficulty)
- problem (difficulty) (question posed)
- procedure
- procedure (legal), legal process
- procedure: rules of procedure, parliamentary procedure
- process
- processor
- producer
- product
- production
- production (of play)
- productive
- productivity
- products (industrial)
- profession
- profession (of monk or nun)
- professor, female
- professor, teacher
- professorship, chair
- profit margin
- profit, gain
- profit-sharing
- profitability, viability
- profiteer
- profiteer (vi)
- profiteer, speculator, one who corners market
- profiteering, speculating, black-market dealings
- program
- program (computer)
- program (computer) (noun)
- program (computer) (vb)
- program (printed)
- program (vt)
- programming language
- progress
- projector
- proletariat
- promissory
- promissory note
- promotion
- prompter
- pronominal
- pronoun
- pronunciation
- proof
- proofread
- proofreader
- proofreading
- propaganda
- propeller
- proper name
- property law
- property tax
- propoganda: brain-washing
- proportional
- proportionally
- proportionally, in proportion
- prose
- prosector: public defender
- prosecute
- prosecution
- prosecutor
- prosecutor, prosecuting attorney, district attorney, DA
- proselytize
- proselytizing
- prosody
- prospectus
- prostate gland
- prostitution
- protectionism
- protective custody, preventive detention
- protective goggles
- protective tariff or duty
- protectorate
- protein
- protest (political)
- protest (political) (verb)
- protest: sit-in (protest)
- Protestant
- Protestantism
- prothesis, artificial limb
- protocol
- proton
- prototype
- prototype, archetype
- protozoan
- Prov. Cons
- proverb, proverbial saying
- provost
- prude
- pseudonym
- pseudonym, pen-name, false name
- pseudonymous
- psychedelic
- psychiatric
- psychiatric drug
- psychiatrist
- psychiatry
- psychic
- psychoanalysis
- psychoanalyst
- psychoanalytic(al)
- psychological
- psychologist
- psychology
- psychopath
- psychosis
- psychosomatic
- psychotherapist
- psychotherapy
- pubic hair
- public restroom
- public revenue
- public transportation
- public welfare, public interest
- publicdebt
- publish
- publisher
- publisher, publishing house
- pudding
- puff paste
- puffed rice
- pug
- pug (dog)
- pullet
- pulley
- pullman
- pulp (of tooth)
- pulpit
- pulse
- pulse: heartbeat
- pump
- pumpernickel
- pumpernickel, (Westphalian) rye bread
- pumpkin
- pun
- pun, play on words
- punch
- punch (blow with the fist)
- punch (hole), perforate
- punctuate
- punctuate mark
- punctuate marks
- punctuation
- punctuation mark
- punctuation marks
- punctum
- punt
- punt, kick-off, tee-off, serve
- pupil
- puppet
- puppeteer
- purchasing agent
- purebred, thoroughbred
- puree
- purgative
- purgatory
- purgatory (eccl.)
- purist
- Puritan
- puritanical
- puritanism
- purse, handbag, pocketbook
- pursue degree
- purée, mashed food
- pus
- pushcart
- put in brackets
- put in quotes
- put in second gear
- put on (garment)
- put on armor
- put to bed
- put up bail
- putty
- pyjama
- pylon
- pyramidal
- pyromania
- pyromaniac
- pyrotechnic
- python
- pâté
- quack, charlatan
- quadrant
- quadratic equation
- quadruped, four-legged animal
- quail
- qualification
- qualify
- qualitative
- quantification
- quantify
- quantitative
- quantitatively
- quantity
- quantum
- quantum leap
- quantum physics
- quarantine
- quark
- quart
- quarter
- quarter note (US), crotchet (Br.)
- quarter-note (US), crotchet (Br.)
- quarter-tone
- quarterdeck
- quartermaster
- quartet
- quartz
- quarz
- quarz lamp
- quatrain
- quay
- queen (chess)
- question mark
- queue
- queue (of hair)
- quicklime
- quicksand
- quietism
- quill
- quince
- quince tree
- quinine
- quintillion
- quirk
- quitclaim
- quittance
- quiz
- quiz (vt)
- quoit
- quorum
- quota
- quotation
- quotation marks
- quote
- quotient
- rabbi
- rabbit hutch
- rabid (having rabies)
- rabies
- race
- race, motor, stock-car race
- race-car
- race-car driver
- race-track
- race-track, race-course, speedway
- race: another race
- racecourse, racetrack
- racehorse
- racial
- racial discrimination
- racism, racial hatred
- racist
- rack
- rack (torture)
- rack (torture) (vt)
- racket
- racket (shady deal)
- racketeer
- radar
- radiation
- radiation (atomic)
- radiator
- radio
- radio (abstr.)
- radio (or electromagnetic) waves
- radio announcer
- radio antenna
- radio broadcast
- radio broadcast or program
- radio news
- radio station
- radio tower
- radioactive
- radioactivity
- radiocarbon dating
- radioisotope
- radiological
- radiologist
- radiology
- radiology: x-ray (photograph)
- radiology: x-ray (ray itself)
- radiotelescope
- radish
- radium
- radius
- raffle
- raffle off
- raft
- rafter
- rafter (roof-beam)
- rag
- rail (of train tracks)
- railing, banister
- railroad
- railroad (adj)
- railroad (adj.)
- railroad car
- railroad station
- railroad tracks
- railroad, railway
- rain forest
- rain water
- rain: it’s pouring
- rainbow
- raincoat
- rainy season
- raise (in pay)
- raise price
- raisins
- rake
- RAM, random access memory
- ranch
- rancher
- random
- range (of firearm or other weapon)
- rank, commission (mil.)
- ransom
- ransom (vt)
- rape
- rape: statutory rape
- rapeseed oil
- rash
- rash: eczema
- rash: hives
- rat
- rate
- rate of exchange
- rate of interest
- rate ofexchange
- ratification
- ratify
- ration
- rationalism
- rationalist
- rationing
- rationing (of goods)
- rations (mil.)
- rattle
- rattlesnake
- rattrap
- raven
- ravine
- ravioli
- raw material
- rayon
- razor
- razor blade
- razor: electric razor
- reaction
- reactor
- read
- read music
- ready money
- real
- real estate
- real property, real or immoveable property
- realism
- realist
- realistic
- reality
- realtor
- realty
- ream
- reap
- reaper
- rear wheel
- rear windshield
- rear-view mirror
- receipt
- receive letter
- receiver (of telephone)
- reception
- reception room
- receptionist
- recess
- recess (law)
- recession
- recessive
- recipe
- recipient of such pension
- reciprocal
- recital
- recitative
- recoil
- reconnoiter
- record
- record (on cassette)
- record (phonograph)
- record (sports)
- record (vt)
- record company
- record onto tape, make tape of
- record player
- record store
- record-player
- recordbreaking
- recorder
- recorder (of meeting)
- recorder (sort of flute)
- recording
- recovery, convalescence
- recreation
- recruitment (of soldiers)
- rectangle
- rectangular
- rectify, correct
- recycling
- red cabbage
- Red Cross
- red ink
- redemption, discharge
- reduction of hours, part-time
- reduction, lowering
- redundancy
- redundant
- reef
- reel
- referee
- referee (sports)
- referee, umpire
- reference
- reference books
- refine
- reflection
- reflex
- reflexive verb
- refraction (of light)
- refrain (of song or poem), chorus
- refreshments
- refrigerator
- refrigerator: defrost
- refrigerator: freeze (food)
- refrigerator: freezer
- refugee camp
- refurbished, repaired, made to appear new
- regalia
- regatta
- regency
- regent
- regiment
- regimental
- region
- register (list of names, esp. public or official)
- register (noun)
- register or stop (organ)
- registered letter
- registered trademark
- registereded mail
- registrar
- registration
- regressive
- rehabilitation
- rehearsal
- rehearse
- reign of terror (fig.)
- reimburse
- reimbursement
- reimbursement of expenses
- reincarnation
- reindeer
- reinforced cement
- reinforced concrete
- rejects (products)
- relapse
- relative
- relative clause
- relativism
- relativity
- relay
- relay (in electronics)
- relay race
- reliability
- relic
- religion (abstract)
- religions (concrete: group holding similar beliefs)
- religious instruction or education
- reliquary
- remainder
- remarriage, second marriage
- remarry
- remorse, contrition
- remote-control (adj)
- Renaissance (as historical period)
- Renaissance (rebirth of learning)
- renew subscription
- rent (noun)
- rent an apartment or house
- rental
- rental car, hired car
- renter
- repair shop, garage (for repairs)
- repairman
- repay loan
- repeat offender, recidivist
- repeat offense
- repertoire, repertory
- report
- reporter
- representation: proportional representation
- representative (adj.)
- reprint (vb)
- reprint (vb) (noun)
- reprisals
- reproduction
- reproduction, propagation
- reproductive organs
- reptile
- republican
- republish
- rescue team
- research
- researcher
- reseller, retailer
- reservation (legal), condition
- reserve
- reserve (e.g., seat)
- reserve officer
- reserved seat
- reserves
- reservoir
- reservoir, artificial lake
- resign
- resistance
- resistor
- resonance
- resonant
- resort, spa
- respirator
- respiratory tract
- responsibility
- responsible
- rest mass
- rest, break
- restaurant
- restored pronunciation
- restroom: outhouse
- resuscitation, revival
- retail
- retail price
- retail sales, retailing
- retailer
- retired
- retired, superannuated
- retiree,
- retirement
- retirement pay, pension
- retractable roof (of convertible), sliding roof, sun-roof
- retroactive (law)
- return (of merchandise to seller)
- reunification
- reunion
- reverse gear
- reversible
- review
- review (a book, movie)
- review (vt)
- reviewer
- revise
- revocation, cancellation
- revoluation: war of independence
- revolution
- revolution revolutionize (vi)
- revolution, rev
- revolution: counter-revolution
- revolution: rebel, militant
- revolutionary, subversive
- revolutionlion
- revolutionlious
- reward (for finding something)
- rhapsody
- rhinoceros
- rhododendron
- rhombus, lozenge, diamond (shape)
- rhubarb
- rhyme
- rhyme (vi)
- rhyme (vt)
- rhythm
- ribbon
- rice paddy
- rice pudding
- Richter scale
- rickets
- riddle, puzzle
- ride (in car or other vehicle)
- ride bicycle, go bike riding
- ridge (mountain)
- riding boots
- riding habit
- right of asylum
- right of foreclusre, lien
- right of repurchase
- right to self-determination
- right triangle
- right-angle (adj.)
- right-justified (in document formatting)
- rights: civil rights
- rights: human rights
- rigor mortis
- rim
- ring (phone)
- ring (phone) (noun)
- ring finger
- ringing or buzzing of the ears, tinnitus
- rink
- rinse
- ripcord
- rise in prices, bull market, boom
- rite of initiation
- ritual
- rivalry
- Riviera
- road construction
- road map
- road sign
- road sign, no stopping
- road sign, no U-turn
- road sign, no-enter, wrong way
- road sign, pedestrian crossing
- road sign, reserved parking
- road sign, speed limit
- road sign, traffic circle
- road sign, watch for pedestrians
- roast
- roast (adj.)
- roast (noun)
- roast beef
- roast on spit
- roast pork
- roasted chesnut
- robber, mugger, bandit, highwayman
- robe, gown: bathrobe
- robe, gown: dressing gown, negligé
- robe, gown: gown
- robe, gown: housecoat
- robe, gown: night-gown
- robin
- robot
- rock (music)
- rock climber
- rock salt
- rock to sleep
- rock: on the rocks
- rocket
- rocket (weapon)
- rocket launch
- rocket, missile
- rocking chair, rocker
- rococo
- rod
- rodent
- roe, caviar
- role
- roll
- roll call
- rolled r
- roller coaster
- Roman Catholic
- Roman Catholicism
- romance
- romantic
- Romanticism
- rook
- room
- room with two beds and shower (in hotel)
- roommate: having roommate
- root
- root (of hair)
- root (of tooth)
- rope
- rope (vt)
- rope ladder
- rosary
- rosemary
- Rosh Hashana, Jewish New Year
- rosin
- rotunda
- rouge
- rouge (make-up)
- rouge (vt)
- rough notes or draft, notebook (for rough notes)
- roughage
- roulette
- round trip
- round-trip ticket
- roundworm (sort of intestinal worm)
- routine
- rowboat
- rower
- rowing
- rowing machine (at gym)
- rubber
- rubber (adj.)
- rubber bullet
- rubber dinghy, life-raft
- ruble
- ruby
- rudder
- rue
- ruffle
- ruled paper
- rum
- rump roast
- run
- run into debt
- run over (of vehicle hitting pedestrian)
- run temperature
- run the blockade
- run-way
- runes, runic writing
- runner
- runner (of sled or sleigh)
- runner-up (in contest)
- runway
- rush hour
- rush hour traffic
- rush-hour traffic
- rutabaga
- rye bread
- rye flour
- sable
- sabotage (noun)
- sabotage (verb)
- saboteur
- saccharin
- saccharine
- sack race
- sacrist(an) (charged with sacred vessels, vestments of church)
- sacristy
- saddle
- saddle horse
- saddle-horse
- saddlebag
- saddlecloth
- sadism
- sadismic
- sadist
- sadistic
- sadomasochism
- sadomasochist
- safe
- safe-deposit box
- safety belt
- safety deposit box, safe or vault (of bank)
- safety pin
- safety valve
- sage
- sail
- sail (verb)
- sail (vi)
- sail (vt)
- sail: topsail
- sailboat
- sailing
- sailing (sport)
- sailing ship
- saint
- Saint Bernard (dog)
- Saint's day
- salad
- salad, tossed
- salamander
- salaried employee, office worker, white-collar worker
- salary
- salary, wages
- sale
- sale price
- sales tax
- salesman
- salesman, retailer, pedlar
- salivate, drool
- salmon
- saloon
- salt (meat or fish)
- salt mine, saltworks
- salted (of meat or fish)
- saltiness
- saltshaker, saltcellar
- salve
- samovar
- sample
- sanctuary
- sand bar
- sand dune (shifting)
- sandbag
- sandbank
- sandpaper
- sandstone
- sandwich
- sangria
- sanitary
- Sanscrit
- Sanskrit
- Santa Claus
- sap, resin
- sapphire
- sarcasm
- sarcastic
- sardine
- sardonic, sarcastic
- sash
- sassafras
- satellite
- satellite (natural), moon (of another planet)
- satin
- satire
- satirical
- satirist
- saturated
- saturation
- Saturday
- sauce
- sauce, gravy
- sauerkraut
- sausage
- savanna
- save (in memory)
- save (money)
- saving (of money or time)
- savings
- savings account
- savings and loan, savings bank
- savings bank
- savoy cabbage
- saw mill
- sawdust
- sawdust, wood shavings
- saxaphone
- saxophone
- say hi to your folks
- sbinbone
- scab
- scab (worker refusing to join strike)
- scaffold
- scaffolding
- scale
- scale (musical)
- scale, range, gamut
- scaling ladder
- scallop
- scalp (noun)
- scalp (vb)
- scapegoat
- scarecrow
- scarf, muffler
- scarlet fever
- scene of the crime
- scenery
- scenic
- scenic overlook
- schedule
- schedule, timetable
- schematic
- schizophrenia
- schmaltzy music
- schnapps, grappa
- schnapps: kirsch(wasser)
- scholar
- scholar or student of Asian cultures, orientalist
- scholar or student of German language and literature
- scholarly, scientific
- scholarship
- scholarship recipient
- scholasticism
- school is in session
- school is out of session
- school or college (as part of university)
- schoolmate
- schooner
- sciatic (adj.)
- sciatica (neuritis of sciatis nerve, or any severe leg pain)
- science
- science fiction
- scientific
- scientist
- scissors
- scissors (for cutting paper)
- sclerosis
- sconce, wall bracket for candles
- scooter
- score
- score (sports)
- score bull's-eye
- scorned love
- scrambled egg
- scrambled eggs
- scrap metal
- screen
- screen (computer)
- screen (television, computer)
- screen (TV, computer)
- screenplay, script (of film)
- screw
- screw in, screw tight
- screw, bolt
- screw, bolt (small)
- screw, bolt (verb)
- screwdriver
- scribe
- scrip
- scrub-brush
- scuba
- sculpture, statue
- scurvy
- sea gull
- sea horse
- sea level
- sea urchin
- sea-plane
- seafood
- seal
- seal (noun)
- sealing wax
- seam
- seamless
- sear, brown (in cooking)
- search (by police)
- search (computer)
- seashell
- seasick
- seasickness
- season
- seasons
- seat (in train, theater, etc.)
- seat (of pants)
- seat belt
- seat of archdioecese
- seat, back
- seat, front (of car)
- seaweed
- seaweed, algae
- secant
- second
- second half
- second sight, clairvoyance
- second the motion
- second-hand dealer
- secondhand
- secret police
- secretary
- secretary (of organization), record-keeper, clerk of court
- secretary-general
- sect, denomination
- sect: Anabaptist
- sect: Calvinist
- sect: evangelical Protestantism
- sect: Huguenot
- sect: interdenominational
- sect: Lutheran
- sect: Mennonite
- sect: Messianic
- sect: Methodist
- sect: milennialism
- sect: pietist
- sect: Presbyterian
- sect: Protestant (adj.)
- sect: Protestant (subst.)
- sect: Protestantism
- sect: puritan
- sect: Quaker
- sect: Quaker (adj.)
- sect: Quakerism
- sect: quietist
- sect: Reformation
- sect: reformed
- sect: Rosicrucian
- sect: Unitarianism
- sect: Waldensians
- sectarian
- sector
- secularization
- secularize
- security
- security, give
- sedan
- sedentary
- sedentary occupation
- sedge
- sediment
- sediment, deposit
- see (signal) flare
- see you
- see you later
- see you tomorrow
- seeing defect, seeing difficulty
- seeing stars
- segregation, apartheid
- seismograph
- selectivity
- self-control
- self-defense
- self-mutilation
- self-preservation
- self-realization
- self-service
- self-sufficient
- self-taught
- selfishness, egotism
- sell wholesale, do wholesale business
- semantic
- semantics
- semester
- semi-circle
- semi-skilled worker
- semicolon
- semideponent verb
- seminar
- seminar paper
- seminar, discussion class
- seminary
- semiotic
- semiotics
- Semite
- Semite: anti-Semite, anti-Semitic
- Semite: anti-Semitism
- send letter
- senna
- sensational
- sensitive
- sensitivity, sensitiveness
- sensitize
- sensory perception
- sensualist
- sensuality
- sentence
- sentence (law)
- sentimental
- sentry box
- separated (from spouse)
- separation of powers
- separatism
- separatist
- septic
- septic tank
- sequel, following episode
- seraphic
- seraphim
- serenade
- serenade (vt)
- serf
- serfdom
- serge
- sergeant
- sergeant-major
- serial
- serial number
- serious
- sermon on the mount
- serpent
- serum
- serve (in tennis, ball game)
- serve -
- server
- server (in ball game)
- service (church), worship
- service station
- servicing, maintenance (of machinery)
- serving
- serving fork
- serving spoon
- sesame
- session
- set (a clock)
- set (as in tennis)
- set (of dishes), suit (of clothes)
- set (watch or clock)
- set a fracture
- set the alarm clock
- set to music
- setter
- settlement (of lawsuit)
- sewage
- sewage, waste
- sewer
- sewing machine
- sewing needle
- sewing table
- sex
- sex attraction
- sex crime
- sex drive
- sex, sexual intercourse
- sexton, church custodian
- sexual
- sexual education
- sexuality
- shack, shanty, hovel
- shade
- shaft
- shaft (mining)
- shake hands
- shampoo
- shamrock
- shank
- shape: getting in shape
- sharecropper
- shared liability (as of business partners)
- shark
- sharp
- sharp (accidental)
- sharpshooter, marksman
- shave
- shave (face)
- shave off (beard, hair)
- shaving cream
- shavings
- shawl
- shawm (ancient and medieval musical instrument, forerunner of oboe)
- shears
- shed
- sheds
- sheep's milk cheese, brebis (Fr.)
- sheepdog
- sheepskin
- sheet
- sheet or slip (of paper)
- shekel
- shelf
- shellac
- shellfish
- shelter (as at bus stop), protective roof
- shelter, refuge (for hikers in mountains)
- shelves: set of shelves, bookcase
- shepherd dog, sheepdog
- sherbet
- sheriff (US)
- shift
- shift (group of people working certain hours)
- shift into reverse (gear)
- shilling
- shin
- shingle
- shingles
- ship owner
- ship, cargo
- ship, passenger
- ship-building
- shipping, dispatching
- shipwreck
- shipyard
- shirt
- shivers, shivering fit, chill
- shock
- shock (electric)
- shock (electric) (noun)
- shock (electric) (verb)
- shock absorber
- shock troops
- shoe
- shoe polish
- shoe repairer
- shoe-shine boy, bootblack
- shoe: barefoot, shoeless
- shoe: boot
- shoe: bootjack
- shoe: footwear
- shoe: galoshes, over-shoes
- shoe: heel of shoe
- shoe: high heels, spike heels
- shoe: hiking shoe, hiking boot
- shoe: mocassin
- shoe: pump (woman's low-cut show without fastenings)
- shoe: sandal
- shoe: slipper
- shoe: sneaker, tennis shoe, athletic shoe
- shoe: wooden shoe, clog
- shoehorn
- shoelace, shoestring
- shoemaker, cobbler
- shoes, high-heeled
- shoestore
- shoot (someone with gun)
- shooting
- shooting gallery
- shooting star
- shop
- shop for
- shopkeeper
- shopper
- shopping
- shopping spree
- short circuit
- short sleeves
- short story
- short wave
- short-wave
- shortchange
- shortcut
- shortening
- shorthand
- shorthand writer
- shorthand, stenography
- shorts, short pants
- shortsighted
- shortwave
- shoulder
- shoulder pads
- shovel
- shovel (vt)
- shower
- shower tube with head
- shower: room with shower
- showing of film
- shredder, shredding machine
- shrimp
- shrimp, prawn
- shrug
- shuffle
- shuffle cards
- shut up
- shutout
- shutter
- shutter (for window)
- shutters (of window)
- shuttle
- shuttle (of loom)
- shuttle bus
- shuttlecock
- Siamese twins
- side dishes
- side effect
- sideboard, buffet (for dishes)
- sideline
- sidesaddle
- sideswipe
- sidewalk
- siding
- siesta
- siesta, midday nap
- sieve
- sieve: colander
- sieve: straining cloth
- sightseeing
- sightseer
- sign
- sign (letter or document)
- sign (of shop)
- sign (road-sign)
- sign of the cross (made with hand)
- sign up
- signature
- signed
- signer, signatory
- signet
- signet ring
- silhouette
- silhouetted
- silk
- silk (adj.)
- silk (cloth)
- silk garment
- silk stocking
- silken, silky
- silkworm
- sill
- silo
- silver mine
- silver wedding anniversary
- silver: sterling
- silverware
- simony
- simoom, simoon
- simultaneous translation
- sin
- sin (vi)
- since the Reformation
- sincere, genuine
- sine
- sinecure
- sinful
- sinfulness
- sing scales
- sing to sleep
- sing to the accompaniment of flute
- singer
- singer)
- single quotes
- single room
- sink (for washing dishes)
- sink (for washing hands),wash-basin
- sinner
- siphon
- siphon off
- sir
- Sir, Mr.
- siren (as of ambulance)
- sirocco
- sit-down, strike
- sixteenth note (US), semiquaver (Br.)
- size (of garment)
- skate
- skate (ice)
- skate (ice) (verb)
- skate (roller)
- skate (roller) (verb)
- skate (vi)
- skate, ice
- skate, roller (noun)
- skate, roller (vb)
- skater
- skating
- skating rink
- skating, figure
- skeleton
- skeleton key
- skeptic(ist)
- skepticism
- sketch
- sketch (verb)
- sketch (verb) (noun)
- sketch (vt)
- sketchbook
- skewer
- skewer (vt)
- ski
- ski (noun)
- ski (vb)
- ski (verb)
- ski (vi)
- ski jacket
- ski jump
- ski lift
- ski lodge
- ski slope
- ski, water
- ski-slope
- skid
- skidding
- skier
- skiff
- skiing
- skiing equipment
- skiing, cross-country
- skilled laborer
- skim milk
- skim milk, low-fat milk
- skin cream or lotion
- skirt
- skirt: petticoat
- skit
- skull
- skull fracture
- skunk
- skyscraper
- skyscraper, high-rise building
- slab, tablet
- slag
- slalom
- slang
- slap
- slash (in writing or typing)
- slaughterhouse
- slave trade
- slave trader
- sled, toboggan
- sledgehammer
- sleep-inducing
- sleep-walker
- sleep-walking
- sleeper
- sleeping bag
- sleeping car
- sleeping car (in train)
- sleeping pill
- sleeping pill or medication
- sleeping sickness
- sleepless
- sleeplesslessness
- sleepwalker
- sleepwalker, somnambulist
- sleepy
- sleet
- sleet (vi)
- sleeve
- sleeve: roll up sleeves
- sleeved
- sleeveless
- sleigh
- sleight of hand
- slice
- slice (of bread)
- slice (vt)
- slide
- slide (photographic)
- slide projector
- slide rule
- slide, transparency
- sling (for injured arm)
- slip of the pen
- slippery
- slogan
- sloop
- sloth
- slow motion
- slug
- sluice
- slum
- slum, shanty-town, Hooverville
- small book, livre de poche, pocket book
- small intestinal
- small letter
- smog
- smoke
- smoke (cigarette, pipe)
- smoke bomb
- smoked (of meat or fish)
- smoker
- smoking
- smooth breathinging
- smuggle
- smuggled goods, contraband, black-market goods
- smuggler
- smuggler, black market dealer
- smuggling
- smuggling, black market activity
- smut
- snack
- snack (afternoon)
- snack (vi)
- snack bar, fast-food restaurant
- snail
- snail, escargot
- snake
- snake bite
- snake venom
- snap one's fingers
- snapshot
- sniff (to smell)
- snob
- snobism
- snoring
- snorkel
- snort (snuff)
- snow chain
- snow covered
- snow drift
- snow is falling
- snow plow
- snow-tire
- snowball
- snowbank
- snowbound
- snowdrift
- snowflake
- snowman
- snowplow
- snowslide
- snowstorm
- snuff
- snuff box
- snuffbox
- soap
- soap (vt)
- soap bubble
- soap flakes
- soap opera
- soapsuds
- soapy water, suds
- soar throat
- soccer field
- soccer player
- soccer stadium
- sociability
- social democracy
- social science
- social security pension, national insurance pension
- social studies
- social work
- social worker
- social, cultural
- socialism
- socialist
- socialistic
- society for prevention of cruelty to animals, animal protection organization
- Society of Jesus
- sociocultural
- socioeconomic
- sociological
- sociologist
- sociology
- sock
- sock (vt)
- sock: hose, stocking
- sock: pantyhose
- socket (electric)
- soda
- soda fountain
- soda jerk
- sodium
- sodomite
- sodomy, buggery
- sofa, couch
- soft cheese
- soft cheese, spreadable cheese
- soft drink
- soft-boiled (of eggs)
- soft-boiled egg
- software
- solar energy
- solar plexus
- solar system
- sold out: this book (or edition) is sold out
- solder
- solder (vt)
- solder on
- solder, weld (noun)
- solder, weld (verb)
- soldiers on guard
- sole
- solfeggio
- solid (noun)
- soliloquy
- solipsism
- solo
- soloist
- solubility
- soluble
- somersault
- somersault (vi)
- somersaults: do somersaults, turn cartwheels
- sonar
- sonata
- sonnet
- sonority
- sophistry, quibbling
- soprano
- soprano (singer)
- soprano, descant
- sort (put in order)
- soufflé
- sound barrier
- sound file
- sound waves
- soup
- sour milk
- south pole
- souvenir
- souvenir, keepsake, memento
- sovereign
- sovereignty
- Soviet
- spa
- space age
- space capsule
- space flight
- space probe
- space shuttle
- space travel
- spaceship
- spacesuit
- spacing (double-spacing, double-spaced)
- spade
- spade (cards)
- spaghetti
- spaniel
- spare part
- spare tire
- spark plug
- sparkling or effervescent mineral water, Seltzer or soda or carbonated water
- sparrow
- sparrow hawk
- spatula
- speak Latin
- speaker (of legislative body)
- speaker (stereo speaker, loudspeaker)
- special diet (for medical reasons)
- specialist
- specialist: general practitioner
- specialty (food particular to region or restaurant)
- specific
- specific gravity
- specify
- speckled
- spectroscope
- spectrum
- speculate
- speculation
- speculation (on stock market)
- speculative
- speculator
- speech defect
- speed limit
- speed of 100km per hour
- speed of light
- speed of sound
- speedboat
- speeding (while driving)
- speeding, driving over speed limit
- speedometer
- spell
- spelling
- sperm cell
- spermaceti
- spice
- spicy
- spider
- spigot
- spike
- spin-dry (clothes)
- spinach
- spinal column
- spinal cord
- spinet
- spinning wheel
- spiral (adj.)
- spiral, coil
- spitz, pomeranian (breed of dog)
- splash down, have water landing (of spacecraft)
- splashdown
- spleen
- splint (med.)
- splinter
- split (gymnastic exercise)
- spoilsport
- spoke
- spokesman
- sponge (animal and cleaning pad)
- spongecake
- spontaneous combustion
- spool
- spool, reel, bobbin
- sport
- sports
- sports arena
- sports car
- sports clothes
- sports doctor
- sports fan, sports lover
- sports instructor, PE teacher (US), games master (Br.)
- sports medicine
- sports news
- sports shirt
- sports, athletics
- sportsman
- spotlight
- spotted, dotted
- spouse
- spout
- sprain
- sprain (subst.)
- sprain: dislocation, putting out of joint
- spread
- spring
- spring (mechanical)
- spring: in spring
- springboard
- sprinkler
- sprinkling can
- sprint
- sprint (vi)
- sprint, dash
- sprite
- spruce
- spy officer
- spy ring
- spy satellite
- spy, undercover agent, informer
- spy: classified
- spy: intelligence
- spy: reconnaissance
- spy: secret agent
- spyified information
- spying, espionage
- squad
- square
- square (of chessboard or checkerboard)
- square (vb) (a number)
- square meter
- square root
- square, squared number
- squash
- squatter
- squire, esquire
- squirrel
- stack
- stack, layer
- stadium
- stadium, arena
- staff
- stag
- stag party
- stage
- stage (vt)
- stage, phase
- stagecoach
- stained -
- stained glass
- stained glass (art or making of stained glass)
- stained glass artist, glass painter, glazier
- stainless (of steel)
- stair
- staircase
- staircase, stairway
- stairs, flight of
- stake
- stake (vt)
- stakes
- stalactite, stalagmite
- stale (of bread)
- stalemate
- stalemate (in chess)
- stall
- stallion
- stamen
- stammering, stuttering
- stamp
- stamp (mark, imprint)
- stamp (tool)
- stamp collecting
- stamp collector
- stampede
- stamping, minting, striking (of coins or medals)
- stand (platform)
- standard
- standard of living
- standard, scale
- standardize
- stanza
- staple
- staple (noun)
- stapler
- star
- starboard
- starch
- starling
- start of classes, opening of school year
- starter
- starting (of car engine)
- starting line
- starting signal
- state (within federal governmental system, as in US, Mexico, Germany)
- state seat
- state: canton (Swiss)
- state: county
- state: interstate
- state: shire
- static
- station (radio or TV)
- station restaurant
- stationer
- stationery
- stations of the cross
- statistic
- statistical
- statistics
- status quo
- status symbol
- statute
- statutory
- stay (legal)
- stay at hotel
- stay of execution
- steak
- steam (verb)
- steam bath
- steam bath, sauna
- steam engine
- steam locomotive
- steamboat
- steel
- steel cable
- steel engraving
- steel mill
- steel-plant
- steelworks
- steelyard
- steeple, church tower, campanile
- steeplechase
- steer
- steerage
- steering wheel
- stencil
- stenographer
- stenography
- step-brother
- step-brothers and -sisters
- stepbrother
- stepfather
- stepladder
- stepmother
- steppe
- stereo (equipment or set)
- stereo, hi-fi
- stereophonic
- sterilization
- sterilize
- stethoscope
- stethoscope: auscultation, use of stethoscope
- stew
- stew (vi)
- steward
- still
- still (alembic, distillery for liquor-making)
- still-born child
- stilts
- stilts, walking on
- stimulant
- stingray
- stipend
- stirrup
- stitches
- stock
- stock certificate
- stock exchange
- stock exchange (activity)
- stock price
- stock trading
- stock, share of
- stockbroker
- stockholder, shareholder
- stockroom, storeroom, storage room
- stocks (punishment)
- stocks and bonds
- stolen goods
- stomach
- stomach (lining) inflammation, gastritis
- stomach: abdominal pain, colic
- stomach: digestion / normal digestion
- stomach: heartburn
- stomach: turning of stomach
- stomach: upset stomach
- stomachache
- stone: gallstone
- stone: kidney stone
- stoning
- stool
- stoolpigeon
- stoop
- stop (of bus or tram)
- stop (of clock)
- stop sign
- stop-sign
- stopwatch
- storage
- store
- store window, display window
- store, put in storage
- store, shop
- storehouse
- storekeeper
- storeroom
- stork
- storm cloud
- story (short)
- stove
- stove, range
- stove, range: burner
- stove, range: hotplate
- stove: camping stove, camp-stove
- stovepipe
- stowaway
- straight, linear
- straightjacket
- strand
- strap on skis
- stratification
- stratosphere
- stratum (social)
- straw
- straw (drinking)
- street
- street light
- street, cross-
- street, dead end
- street, side
- street-cleaner
- stress
- stress, accent (noun)
- stress, accent vt
- stretching exercises
- strike
- strike (by workers) (noun)
- strike (by workers) (vb)
- strike (verb)
- strike (vi)
- striker
- striking of clock
- string
- string (of musical instrument)
- string bean
- string instrument
- string of pearls
- string, twine
- strings (stringed instruments collectively)
- strip-tease
- striped
- stripper
- strobe light
- stroke (illness)
- stroke (in typing)
- stroke: apoplectic
- strongbox
- structural
- structuralism
- strychnine
- stucco
- stucco (work)
- stud
- stud (button)
- stud (horse)
- studded
- student
- student (or scholar) of English literature
- student, scholar
- studio
- studio (of artist)
- studio, workshop
- study
- study (room)
- study law
- study literature
- stuffed (filled with stuffing)
- stuffing
- stunt
- stunt man
- stunted growth
- sturgeon
- stye (on eyelid rim)
- style
- subconscious
- subculture
- subcutaneous
- subdivision
- subjective
- subjunctive
- subjunctive (mood)
- sublet (v.)
- sublet (v.) (noun)
- sublimate
- subliminal perception
- submarine
- subordinate
- subordinate clause
- subscribe
- subscriber
- subscription
- subsidiary
- subsidiary: cf. parent company
- subsidize
- subsidy
- substantive
- substitute, replacement
- subtenant
- subtract
- subtraction
- suburb
- suburban
- subway
- suckling pig
- sucrose
- suction pump
- suds
- sudsy
- sue (in court)
- suede
- suffix
- suffocation
- sugar
- sugar bowl
- sugar cane
- sugar cubes
- sugar loaf
- sugar-cane plantation
- sugarplum
- suger in cubes
- suicide
- suit (clothes)
- suit (of cards)
- suitcase
- suite
- suite (furniture)
- sulfur
- sultan
- sumac
- summary
- summary procedure (law)
- summary, synopsis, abstract
- summation (law)
- summer course
- summer solstice
- summer vacation
- summer: in summer
- summit conference
- summon (law) (vt)
- summons, serve
- sun oneself
- sun-bathing
- sun: enjoy the sun, lay in the sun
- sunbath
- sunburn
- sunburned
- Sunday
- sundial
- sunflower
- sunscreen
- sunspot
- sunstroke
- suntan oil
- suntanned
- superannuated
- superego
- superlative
- supernumerary
- supersonic speed
- supper
- supplier
- supply (opp. to demand)
- suppository
- supreme court
- supsension of sentence
- sura (division of Koran)
- surf
- surf, go surfing
- surface
- surfaced, paved
- surfboard for wind-surfing
- surfer, wind-
- surfing
- surgeon
- surgery
- surgery: be operated on
- surgery: operate (med.)
- surgery: operating room
- surgery: operation (surgical)
- surgical
- surplus (economic)
- surrealism
- surrogate mother
- survey
- survey (vt)
- surveyor
- suspenders (US), braces (Br.)
- suspension
- suspension (from job)
- suspension bridge
- swaddling clothes
- swallow
- swastika
- sweater, cardigan
- sweep the floor (with broom)
- sweet and sour
- sweet potato
- sweetened (with sugar)
- sweetmeats, sweets
- sweets
- swim meet
- swimming
- swimming pool
- swimming, free-style
- swimming: back stroke
- swindler, con-man
- swiss cheese
- Swiss Guard
- switch
- switch (electric or light)
- switch (railroad)
- switchboard
- sword: rapier
- sword: saber, scimitar
- swordfish
- sycamore
- syllabic
- syllable
- syllogism
- symbol
- symbolic
- symbolism
- symmetrical
- symmetry
- symphony
- symposium
- symptom
- synagogue
- syncopate
- syncopation
- syndicate
- synonym
- synonymous
- synopsis
- syntax
- synthesis (chemical)
- synthetic fiber
- syphilitic, suffering from syphilis
- syringe
- syrup
- system
- t-shirt
- table linen
- table linen: napkin
- table linen: tablecloth
- table of contents
- table, clear the
- table, set the
- tablecloth
- tablet
- taboo
- tabu (adj.)
- tabu (subst.)
- taciturn
- tack
- tactical
- tactics
- tadpole
- taffeta
- tag
- taikwondo
- tail of comet
- tailor
- tailor's shop
- tailor, dressmaker
- tailor, seamstress
- tails, tail coat
- take an x-ray
- take anexamination
- take care of yourself
- take cold (or hot) bath
- take communion, partake in the Lord's Supper
- take course
- take driving classes
- take off
- take off (of airplane)
- take out loan
- take prisoner
- take queen
- take shorthand, write in shorthand
- take siesta
- take train
- take trip, go on an outing or hike
- taking of x-rays
- talc
- talcum powder
- talk by phone
- tambourine
- tamer
- tan
- tan (get tan)
- tangent
- tank
- tank (mil.)
- tanker, oil (ship)
- tanned
- tannin, tannic acid
- tap water
- tape
- tape (scotch or adhesive)
- tape deck (for playing and recording cassettes)
- tape measure
- tape player
- tape recorder
- tape recording
- tapestry
- tapeworm
- tapeworm (sort of intestinal worm)
- taps
- tar and feather
- tarantula
- target
- target shooting
- target: bull's eye
- tariff
- tarpaulin
- tarpaulin, piece of canvas
- tart
- tart, flat cake
- tartan
- tartar (on teeth)
- tassel
- taste (good)
- tatoo (noun)
- tatoo (vb)
- tattoo
- tavernkeeper
- tax
- tax (vt)
- tax assessment
- tax collection agent
- tax collector
- tax evasion
- tax exempt
- tax exempt status
- tax exemption
- tax office
- tax official
- tax return
- tax return, income statement
- tax-exempt
- taxable
- taxation
- taxi
- taxi driver
- taxi meter
- taxonomy
- tea
- tea-room
- teacher
- teaching, academic career
- teak
- team
- team captain
- team, crew
- teamwork
- tear gas
- tear-gas grenade
- technical
- technical school
- technical term
- technical term, term of art
- technical, invovling legal formalities
- technicality
- technician
- technological
- technology
- technology, engineering
- teddy bear
- teen-ager
- teething (of infants)
- teetotaler
- telecast
- telecommunications satellite
- telegram
- telegram, wire
- telegraph
- telegraph (noun)
- telegraph (verb)
- telegraph office
- telepathic
- telepathy
- telephone
- telephone book
- telephone booth
- telephone call
- telephone conversation
- telephone dial
- telephone dial (vt)
- telephone number
- telephone pole, power line pole
- telephone receiver
- telephoto lens
- telescope
- teletype machine
- televise
- television
- television (abstr.)
- television (abstract)
- television (concr.)
- television broadcast
- television camera
- television news
- television series
- television show
- television viewer
- telex (message or process)
- telex (telex machine, teleprinter)
- teller, cashier
- temperate zone
- temperature
- temperature: it was 10 below
- Templars
- temporarily
- Ten Commandments
- tenant
- tendon
- tendonitis, inflammation of tendons
- tenement
- tennis
- tennis ball
- tennis court
- tennis player
- tennis tournament
- tennis, indoor
- tennis, lawn
- tennis: doubles
- tennis: singles
- tenor
- tenor (part)
- tenpercent
- tense
- tent
- tent peg
- tentacle
- tenure
- terminal
- terra cotta (sort of earthenware)
- terrace, patio
- terrier
- territorial waters
- terrorism
- terrorismize (vt)
- terrorist
- tertiary period (geology)
- test
- test (scholastic), exam
- test tube
- test, exam
- test, experiment, check
- test-tube
- test: cf. essay exam
- test: cf. oral exam
- tetanus, lockjaw
- text
- textbook
- textile factory, textile mill
- textual
- textual criticism
- TGV (high-speed French train)
- thanksgiving
- that depends
- the clock is fast
- the clock is right
- the clock is slow
- the clock is wrong
- the devil
- the four seasons
- the fourth dimension
- the majority decides
- the score was one to nothing
- the screen
- the third edition
- theater
- theocracy
- theorem
- theory of evolution
- theory of relativity
- therapeutic(al)
- therapist
- therapy
- thermal energy, heat energy
- thermodynamic (adj.)
- thermodynamics (noun)
- thermometer
- thermos (for keeping drinks hot or cold)
- thermostat
- thesis
- thimble
- thirst for glory, ambition
- Thirty Year's War
- this year
- thistle
- thoroughbred
- thoroughbred horse
- thoroughfare
- thread
- three-four time
- threshing machine
- thunder
- thyme
- thyroid gland
- tick
- tick (blood-sucking insect)
- ticket
- ticket office
- ticket window
- tide
- tie
- tie, draw
- tie-pin
- tiger
- tight (of clothes, shoes)
- tight (of garment)
- tight-rope walker, high-wire performer
- tilde (diacritical mark used in Spanish, Portugese)
- tile
- tile (vt)
- tiled
- tiles
- tiller
- time deposit
- time expressions: since August
- time of day: what time is it?
- time out
- time zone
- time, beat, measure
- timepiece
- timetable
- tin
- tin-plated
- tinfoil
- tinplate
- tinsel
- tip
- tip (vt)
- tip-toes, walk on
- tire
- tire puncture, flat tire
- tire, spare
- tissue
- tissue paper
- tithe
- title
- title (law)
- title deed
- title holder, defending champion
- title page
- titmouse
- to be frank
- to be under stress
- to blow glass
- to film
- to menstrate
- to the extent I am able
- toad
- toadstool
- toast
- toast (drink in someone's honor, or the accompanying brief speech)
- toast (drink in someone's honor, or the accompanying brief speech) (noun)
- toast (toasted bread)
- toast toast (verb) (drink to someone's health, make toast)
- toast: clink glasses (in toasting)
- toastmaster
- tobacco
- tobacco (adj.)
- tobacco (product)
- tobacco shop (important in European cities)
- toboggan run
- tobogganing
- toe
- toilet (fixture), commode
- toilet paper
- toilet seat
- toilet, restroom, lavatory
- toilet, restroom, lavatory (public)
- toilet: flush
- toilet: flush vt
- token
- tolerance
- toll
- toll (on toll highway)
- tomato
- tomato sauce
- tombstone
- tome
- tomorrow morning
- tomtom
- ton
- tone
- tongs
- tongs (for fireplace)
- tongue, tip of
- tonic
- tonic water (quinine-flavored water)
- tonnage
- tonsillitis, inflammation of tonsils
- tonsils
- tonsure (clerical)
- tool
- tools
- toothache
- toothbrush
- toothpaste
- toothpick
- toothpowder
- top
- top (spinning toy)
- topaz
- topographer
- topographical
- topography
- tornado
- torque
- torrid
- torrid zone
- tort (law)
- torte
- tortoise
- tortoise shell
- tortoise, turtle
- tortoiseshell
- total, sum
- totalitarian
- totalitarianism
- totalitarianism: absolutism
- totem
- totemism
- touchstone
- tough (of meat)
- tour
- tour bus, inter-city bus
- Tour de France
- tour, sightsee
- tourism
- tourist
- tourist office
- tournament
- tournament, athletic competition
- tourniquet
- tow
- tow (car)
- tow rope
- tow truck
- towel
- towel: hand-towel
- towelette
- towing service
- towline
- town hall
- townhouse, row house
- towpath
- trace element
- track
- tractor
- trade, commerce, business
- trademark
- trademark (registered)
- tradename
- tradition
- traditional
- traditionalism
- traffic
- traffic island
- traffic jam
- traffic jam, tie-up
- traffic officer, traffic cop
- traffic signal
- traffic signal (flashing)
- traffic signal, stop light
- tragicomic
- trailer
- trailer (of truck)
- train
- train line
- train line, rail line
- train schedule
- train station
- trainee
- trainer
- trainer, coach
- trajectory
- tram
- tram, trolley, streetcar
- trampoline
- trance
- tranquilizer
- tranquilizer, sedative
- transcendent
- transcript
- transept
- transfer (to account), drafter, voucher, money order, check, payment
- transformer
- transformer (station)
- transfusion (med.)
- transistor
- transistor radio
- translate literally
- transmission, automatic
- transmit by short wave
- transmitter
- transparency
- transplantation
- transubstantiation (eccl.)
- trap
- trap door
- trapezoid, trapezium
- trash
- trash, garbage, litter, rubbish
- trashcan
- trauma
- trauma (med.)
- traumatic
- travel
- travel (adj.), traveler's
- travel abroad, foreign travel
- travel agency
- travel insurance
- travelers check
- traveling pedlar or salesman
- traveling salesman
- tread water
- treadle
- treason
- treasurer
- treasury
- treasury (national or governmental)
- treatise
- treble
- treble clef
- tree frog
- trellis
- tremolo
- trench (as those of WWI)
- trend
- trespass
- trespass (vi)
- trespasser
- trestle
- triad
- triangle
- triangular
- tribe
- trick
- tricycle
- trigonometry
- trill
- trill (vi)
- trillion
- trillion (i.e., British billion)
- trimmings
- Trinity (eccl.)
- trio
- trip, outing, hike
- tripe
- tripe, chitlins
- triplets
- tripod
- triumphal arch
- trombone
- trompet
- trophy
- tropic - of Cancer
- tropic of Capricorn
- tropical
- tropical region
- tropical zone
- tropics
- tropicsal
- trot
- trot (noun)
- trot (vb)
- trough
- trout
- trowel
- truant
- truce
- truce: armistice
- truck
- truck (US), lorry (Br.)
- truffle
- trump
- trumpet
- trunk
- trunk (US), boot (Br.)
- trust
- trustee, fiduciary
- try on (garment)
- try on clothes
- tub
- tuberculosis, consumption
- tuck
- tuck (vt)
- tug
- tug of war
- tugboat
- tuition
- tulip
- tulle
- tumbler
- tuna, tunny
- tundra
- tune in
- tune in -
- tune up
- tune, melody
- tungsten
- tuning (of musical instrument)
- tuning fork
- tunnel
- turbine
- turbulence
- turbulent
- turkey
- turkey cock
- turkey hen
- turn
- turn left
- turn off
- turn off (onto another street)
- turn off TV
- turn off, switch off
- turn on
- turn on the light
- turn on TV
- turn right
- turn signal, blinkers
- turnip
- turnpike
- turnstile
- turpentine
- turtledove
- tusk
- tutor
- tutor (vt)
- tuxedo (US), dinner jacket
- tv announcer
- tv screen
- TV set
- tv station
- tv viewer
- tweesers, pincers
- tweezers
- twine
- twins: identical twins
- two percent
- two-way
- type
- type (on typewriter)
- type (vb)
- type, font
- typescript (adj.)
- typesetter
- typewriter
- typewriter ribbon
- typhoid fever
- typhoon
- typhus
- typing
- typist
- typo (in printed book)
- typo, typographical error
- typographer
- typographic
- typography
- ultimatum
- ultrasound
- ultraviolet
- ultraviolet radiation
- ultraviolet rays
- umbilical cord
- umblilical
- umblilical cord
- umbrella
- umbrella: parasol
- umlaut
- umpire
- umpire (vt)
- unborn
- unbuckle
- unbutton
- uncial letters
- unclaimed or abandoned objects
- uncombed
- unconscious
- unconscious, subliminal
- unconsciously
- under this entry
- underarm hair
- underarm odor
- underdevelopment
- underexpose
- undergo the change of voice
- underground garage
- undergrowth
- underline
- undernourished
- undernourishment
- underpass
- undershirt
- undershorts
- undersigned
- underwear
- underwear: lingerie
- underwear: long underwear
- underwear: panty-hose
- underwear: slip
- undigested
- unemployed
- unemployment
- unemployment assistance
- uneven
- unfasten
- unfinished
- unfit for military service
- unicorn
- uniform
- uniform (military)
- union
- union (labor)
- union, trade union
- unison
- unit of measurement
- United Nations
- United Nations: UNESCO
- united: League of Nations
- united: league, federation
- united: NATO
- university
- unleavened
- unleavened bread
- unless I’m mistaken
- unlimited liability
- unload
- unmanned satellite
- unmusical
- unproductive
- unpublished
- unpublished book
- unscrew
- unselfishness
- unskilled worker
- unvoiced (of consonant)
- unwed mother
- unworked
- unwritten law
- upbeat, arsis
- upholsterer
- upholstery, padding or stuffing of furniture
- upper atmosphere
- upper jaw
- upset (verb)
- upset, worried
- upstream
- uranium
- urban transit, urban light rail
- urea
- urinal
- urine
- urine analysis, urinalysis
- urn
- urn (funeral)
- urologist
- use of drugs as stimulant by athletes
- use the toilet, go to the bathroom
- used, second-hand
- usher
- usurer
- usurious
- usury
- utensil
- utopian
- uvula
- v v
- vacation
- vacation (from school)
- vaccinate, innoculate
- vaccination
- vaccine, serum (for vaccination)
- vaccine: immunization
- vaccine: injection
- vacuum
- vacuum cleaner
- vacuum-sealed
- vagabond, hobo
- valency
- valentine
- valet
- valid: invalid, null (legal)
- validity or force (legal)
- value
- value added tax, VAT
- valve
- vampire
- vandalism
- vanilla
- vantage point
- vaporization, evaporation
- vaporize (intr.), evaporate
- variable
- variable gears
- varicose vein
- varied, various
- variety (of plant)
- variety show, vaudeville show
- varnish
- varnish (noun)
- varnish (verb)
- vase
- vaseline
- vassal
- Vatican
- Vatican City
- vb
- veal
- veal scallop
- veda
- vedic
- vegetable oil
- vegetable patch
- vegetables
- vegetarian
- vegetarianism
- veil
- vein
- vein (mining)
- vellum
- velvet
- vending machine (for food or drinks)
- veneer
- venereal disease
- venereal disease: syphilis
- venetian blinds
- venial sin
- venison
- ventilate
- ventilatio
- ventilation
- ventilation shaft (mining)
- ventilator
- ventricle
- ventriloquist
- veranda
- verb
- verbena, verveine
- verify, check
- vermicelli
- vermilion
- vermillion
- vermouth
- verse
- vertebra
- vertebrate
- vest (US), waistcoat (Br.)
- veteran
- veterinarian
- veterinary medicine
- veto
- veto (vt)
- VHF (very high frequency)
- viaduct
- vibration, oscillation
- vice-chancellor
- vice-president
- viceroy
- video camera
- videocassette
- videogames
- videotape
- view-finder (of camera)
- vigilantism, taking the law into one's own hands
- vignette
- vinegar
- viol
- viola
- viola da gamba
- violation
- violin
- violin, fiddle
- violinist
- virgin birth
- virgin forest
- virtual
- virtuosity
- virtuosity (pej.)
- virtuoso
- virus
- visa
- visa (tourist)
- viscosity
- viscous
- vitamin
- vitriol
- vivi
- viviparous
- vivisection
- vizir
- vocabulary
- vocal cords
- vocal music
- vocational school, technical college
- vocative
- vodka
- voice vote
- voiced
- voiced (of consonant)
- volatile
- volcanic
- volcano
- volkwirtschaftlich: economic
- volley, salvo, barrage
- volleyball
- volt
- voltmeter
- volume
- volume (of stereo, radio)
- volunteer
- volunteer work
- volunteers
- voodoo
- voodoo worshipper
- vortex
- vote (noun)
- vote (verb)
- vote by ballot
- vote for
- vote types / vote by show of hands
- vote: ballot
- vote: ballot box
- vote: by acclamation
- vote: elect
- vote: election
- vote: election day
- vote: landslide (pol)
- vote: majority (of vote)
- vote: poll
- vote: poll (vt)
- vote: referendum, plebiscite
- vote: right to vote, suffrage
- vote: run-off election
- vote: runner-up
- vote: secret ballot
- vote: show of hands
- vote: slate of candidates
- vote: tie, tied vote
- vote: unanimously
- vote: win (election), be elected
- vote: win: lose (election), be defeated
- voting (casting of one's vote)
- voyeur, peeping Tom
- voyeurism
- Vulgate
- vulture
- w
- wafer
- wafer, cracker (US), biscuit (Br.)
- waffle
- waffle iron
- wag
- wag one's tail
- wage propaganda war
- wages, labor costs
- wages, salary
- wagon
- Wailing Wall (Jerusalem)
- wainscoting
- waist
- waistband
- waistline
- wait -
- waiter
- waiting room
- waiting room (in train station)
- waitress
- waive (law)
- waiver
- wall clock
- wall-paper hanger
- wallet, billfold
- wallpaper
- walls, half-timbered
- walrus
- waltz
- waltz (vi)
- walz
- ward
- wardrobe
- wardrobe (place where clothes are kept), cloakroom
- wardrobe, clothes closet
- warehouse
- warrant (search, arrest)
- warranty
- warship
- warship: aircraft carrier
- warship: destroyer (warship)
- warship: gunboat
- warship: torpedo (subst.) (underwater projectile)
- warship: torpedo (subst.) (underwater projectile) (verb)
- warship: torpedo boat
- wart
- wash clothes, do the laundry
- washable
- washing machine
- wasp
- waste basket
- waste paper
- watch
- watch (timepiece)
- watch tv
- watch, quartz
- watch, wrist-
- watch: glance at one’s watch
- watchdog, guard-dog
- watchtower
- water (lawn, garden)
- water heater
- water lilly
- water line or main, pipe, plumbing
- water the lawn
- water vapor
- water-color
- watercolor
- watercress
- waterfall
- watering can
- watering-can
- watermark
- waterproof
- waterproof (vb)
- waterspout
- watertight
- watertight, waterproof
- waterwheel
- waterworks
- watt
- watt-meter
- wavelength
- wavy
- wax (v.)
- wax candle
- way of the cross, stations of the cross
- wealth tax
- wear
- wear and tear
- weasel
- weather
- weather conditions
- weather forecast
- weather forecasting, meteorology
- weather forecasting, study of weather and climate, meteorology
- weather forecasting, study of weather and climate, meteorology (adj.)
- weather report
- weather satellite
- weather station
- weather vane
- weatherman, meteorologist
- weathervane
- weaver
- wedding
- wedding ring
- weddingding ring
- weed
- weed (vt)
- weed-killer
- weeds, pulling up
- week
- weekday
- weekday, workday
- weekend
- weekly (periodical or newspaper)
- weeping willow
- weevil
- weighlessness
- weight gain, increase in weight
- weight-lifter, body-builder
- weight-lifting, body-building
- weightlessness
- weld
- weld on
- welfare (US), income support, assistance to poor
- welfare, public assistance for the poor
- welfare: social security (US), national insurance (Br.), public retirement and disability insurance
- well done
- werewolf
- wetnurse
- whale
- whaler
- whaling
- wharf
- what do you do (for living)?
- What is your address?
- what time is it?
- wheelbarrow
- wheelchair
- whey
- whipped cream
- whirlpool
- whisk
- whisk, beater
- whisker
- whisky
- whisky: moonshine
- whisky: scotch
- whistle
- whistle (as signal in sports)
- whitefish
- whitewash
- Whitsunday
- whole note
- whole number, integer
- whole-wheat bread
- wholesale
- wholesale price
- wholesale trade
- wholesaler
- whooping cough
- whoremonger
- whose turn is it?
- wicker
- wicker (adj.)
- wicket
- wig
- wild rose, dogrose
- wildcat
- will, testament, legacy
- willow
- willpower
- win (a game or competition)
- win by vote
- win first (or second) prize
- wind (watch or clock)
- wind instrument
- wind instruments
- wind up, crank
- wind watch (or clock)
- winding sheet
- windmill
- window
- window (at post-office, bank, information office), guichet (Fr.)
- window (ticket office, post office)
- window frame
- window pane
- windowpane
- windowshield wiper
- windowsill
- windpipe
- winds (wind instruments collectively)
- windshield
- windshield wiper
- wine press
- wine spritzer
- wine store
- wine, dry
- wine, fruit
- wine, mulled
- wine, new
- wine, red
- wine, white
- wine: port (a fortified wine)
- wine: sherry
- wine: sparkling wine, champagne
- wine: table wine, vin ordinaire
- winning ticket
- wintergreen
- wipe one's rear
- wire
- wire (electric)
- wire cable
- wire mesh, screen
- wire net
- wire, cable, cord
- wiretap, bug, eavesdropping device
- wisdom tooth
- wit
- witch
- with good conscience
- with rolled-up sleeves
- without aspiration
- wolverine, glutton
- women's doubles
- wonder
- woodcock
- woodcut
- woodcutter
- wooden leg, pegleg
- woodpecker
- wool, virgin
- work, have job
- work, run, be functioning (of machine)
- workman, laborer
- workshop
- world
- world champion
- world map
- world record
- world war
- World War I
- World War II
- World Wide Web
- World's Fair
- worm
- worm-eaten, full of wormholes
- worship (subst.)
- wreath
- wreath, garland
- wreck
- wreck (vt)
- wrench
- wrestle
- wrestle match
- wrestler
- wrestling
- wrist
- writ (law)
- writ tissue paper
- write check
- write commentary, annotate, explicate
- writer's cramp
- writing instruments
- written exam
- wrought iron
- wthr snowfall
- yacht
- yacht (racing)
- yam
- yams
- yard
- yard, garden
- yarn
- year and half
- yearly salary
- yeast
- yellow
- yew
- yield (on the road)
- yield right of way
- yield sign
- yodel
- yoga
- yogurt
- you're welcome
- youth hostel
- you’re right
- Yule
- Yuletide
- zebra
- Zeitgeist
- zenith
- zero
- zero (adj.)
- zinc
- Zionism
- Zionist
- zip or postal code
- zipper
- zither
- zodiac
- zoo
- zoo, menagerie
- zoo: menagerie
- zoological
- zoology
- zygote
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